So i just figured when i install a plugin all wordpress asks from me is to upload a plugin, from there it knows where the plugin is(handles it by unziping) and installs it.
Now what would we benefit if this logic would be preformed on a simple plugins folder where instead of adding uncompressed plugin folders you just add .zip files of plugins.
First we need to understand how FTP works, when ftp uploads files it iterates over each file and uploads it. What hurts upload speed here is where your upload folder has bunch of small files(like in plugins folder) ftp must iterate over all of them and this process takes alot of time. In this case ftp upload speed doe not help at all.
So, if instead uploading bunch of these small files in plugin folders, you would upload simply .zip files ftp speed would actually matter and could be used to speed up wordpress upload time and installation.
I recently uploaded my usual wp install with a decent number of plugins(even i am sure some people have much more) and it took a whooping 40 minutes or more for the upload to finish.
Is there any way this suggestion could be heard by WP headguys?