Hey Guys, I am using a wordpress.com account @ http://wvcycling.wordpress.com
I have created a separate tab at the top [/useless info] for a post specifically for displaying an embedded Google Maps page.
Link: http://wvcycling.wordpress.com/bike-routes-in-wv/
I keep having issues with the embedding, and have read these forum posts about it, and more that are not listed:
* http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/google-map-in-my-blog?replies=23#post-265811
* http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/inserting-a-map?replies=9#post-204253
After a while, I was successful in having a google box load up onto the page, but it is showing most of the google maps page also, as shown in the image below:
Any help with what I may be doing wrong, or how to fix this?