URL: http://www.aaronfedora.com/realestate/
After installing WooThemes' Estate theme I received an "Error 500 - Internal Server Code" when I tried to post anything to the site. I called the host (1and1) and they gave me the following code to add to the .htaccess file:
'AddType x-mapp-php 5 .php'
This got rid of the Error 500, but subsequently did not allow a single WP to load, change the theme, or basically use the site. I questioned the 1and1 and told them to fix it and they said it was a WP problem not theirs.
Unfortunately, I am not a programmer or coder myself, so I had to take there word and I am unable to track down why the pages will come up blank or immediately download as a .php file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.