I'm new to Plesk and I have an existing domain. I want my blog on wordpress to be "blog.mydomain.com" .
I went into the DNS settings and added a CNAME record with the canonical as my current blog URL "myblog.wordpress.com" and the domain as "blog.mydomain.com"
However, when I went to upgrade and typed in "blog.mydomain.com" into the field and hit ADD Domain, it says that "We were unable to verify that blog.mydomain.com is pointing to WordPress.com. If you own this domain, follow the directions below to get it ready for your blog. If you don’t own it, try a different name to see if something else is available. If the domain is available, you may be able to register it with another registrar and then map it to your blog"
"It should look like this:
blog ##### IN CNAME myblog.wordpress.com." (The # represent a 5 digit number it gave me)
Am I missing a step? There's no place in my DNS Settings to put a five digit number?