I submitted a post earlier but I'm not sure where it went. I activated the Modularity Lite theme on my site yesterday. http://michaelalexanderphotography.net/ I really like this theme and I have it setup 90% the way I want. What I'd like to modify are the galleries on my portfolio pages. The way it is setup now I have a slideshow that plays the images attached to the page and then underneath that a gallery of those same images. The problem is there are a lot of thumbnails and the viewer has to scroll up and down a lot. Is there a gallery/slideshow combination that I can add to a page where you can play the images in a slideshow or click on a thumbnail of an image and have it popup in the same window sort of like a "Simple Viewer" webgallery but better. Also how do I set my Blog posts so that the entire post isn't displayed on the Blog page, but instead just a couple sentences and then a link that you can click on to read the entire post?
Thanks in advance, Mike