I've set up http://scytherspace.wordpress.com as a place for people to share their interest in mowing with scythes.
I'd like lots of people to be able to get involved and put up posts. Can you help with some advice.
At the moment I'm adding people as contributors but 1) it means I will have to review everything before it's published (not a big deal as i'd like to read it anyway) 2)they can't put up images.
If I make everyone an author then I'm concerned that I'll rapidly run out of space if there's lots of folk all posting their photos.
Is there a way that contributors can embed a link to a picture hosted somewhere else (eg Flickr) by putting the code in their post so it's not uploaded to wordpress, another way for them to show their pics or am I worrying unnecessarily about the space issue? The contributor role seems very meagre without being able to show photos.
Advice on this and any other tips on running this kind of blog appreciated.