Hello there.
I have created the music-tech news/reviews site AudioBeef.com
I often drop news articles first before anybody, and yet my post never appears on search results despite me typing in the exact post title.
The one, sole post that seems to get listed is on a microphone [I don't know why this random piece of news got picked up by Google]. But even the excerpt for it on a Google search isn't accurate:
Blue Release enCore 300 Mic | Audio Beef
31 Jul 2010 ... Audio Beef. Organic Music Technology News. Skip to content ... New Audio Beef: Rane Launches Sixty-Eight Mixer ...
audiobeef.com/blue-release-encore-300-mic/ - Cached
Why is the true, informative excerpt that I wrote not in there?
So, another example: I posted a news piece on something called Komplete 7 way before my competitors.
When I type "Native Instruments Announces Komplete 7" - my EXACT post title - I get a bunch of stuff from competitors with the same headline. When they all eventually run out, mine isn't even at the back of the list.
When I search for "Native Instruments Announces Komplete 7 Audio Beef" I get this messy result:
Native Instruments | Audio Beef
28 Jul 2010 ... Native Instruments Announces Komplete 7 ... New Audio Beef: Apogee Releases Symphony I/O http://audiobeef.com/apogee-releases-symphony-io/ ...
audiobeef.com/tag/native-instruments/ - Cached
Again, on the excerpt appears text from my website's front page, not the excerpt I wrote describing the product.
Ironically, a site I used to work for who doesn't even specialise in this stuff gets the first listing on Google. It's called Beatportal. On their web building software they have specific categories you can enter for the exact Post that Google will see, metatags etc.
I just use WordPress, and enter the post title and tags.
I understand that these sites get tons and tons and tons more hits than I, and that's why they're listed. But my stuff is barely listing at all. That and the fact my excerpts don't come up nicely on Google.
Can anyone help with getting my stuff getting listed and also looking neater? It's driving me nuts. I'm a rookie in this hit game, so any advice would be much appreciated.
With kindest regards,
Johnny M