Hello everyone,
Recently i've created a poll using the built-in poll feature in wordpress.
After inserting the poll on my post, I noticed a typo on the question and on an answer, so I went to the admin panel to edit the said poll, then clicked the update button.
Now, when I look at the post, it DOES update the fixed typos but ONLY on the result page of the poll !
The default "page" where users usually vote still has the typos from the first version.
What's strange is that it does show the updated version in both WordPress and Polldaddy (I went there to check), yet it only updates the result page. Any idea why?
As a side not, I noticed that when I save a custom-made poll style with the checkbox "update polls using this style" checked, it always says that the style couldn't be updated. I don't know why either.
Thanks for your time,