My blog is:
The question is about the Twenty Ten theme. SO TEMPTING!
1. What is a Featured Image? How is it different from me just putting in an image anywhere I want to in any post in my present Vigilance theme? This is a big question for me because ***I really like the Announcement Box in Vigilance, and for me to give it up there would have to be something very very good to take its place.***
2. What are Asides and Galleries? This sounds again, awfully awfully interesting! :-)
3. Is Twenty Ten as good as Vigilance when it comes to those Search Engines finding your blog/posts?
4. Is there a blog using the Twenty Ten theme that actually is using the 2010 features? That would make it easier to understand the explanatory text.
5. Has there been ANY KIND OF PROBLEM with bloggers who have switched from Vigilance to 2010 but then later decided to return to Vigilance?
Thank you in advance for your help. If I get clear on 2010 and it's what I think it is, then I might just jump on it!