We have a free blog on wordpress.com: guanximag.wordpress.com
We have acquired the domain name: guanximag.com
I would like it very much if, when people visit the URL guanximag.com, they experience the blog as it currently appears at guanxi.wordpress.com. By which I mean, we want to continue using the wordpress platform - themes, widgets, etc. - we just want to be able to drop the "wordpress" from our URL.
I have been browsing about the forums, and it would appear that this is a service that WordPress offers through one upgrade or another...or downloading and installing the kit from wordpress.org...or something.
Sadly, what I know about "domain mapping" (or any of the other technical aspects of site hosting / domain names / etc.) would fit on the back of a postage stamp with room left over.
Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated. And please remember, if you choose to help with this, you are explaining this to someone who probably won't know what the heck you're talking about. Links to something on the order of "Domain Names for Dummies" may well be over my head.