i want to tell about geesebusters. this company is robert guadagna and his site is geesebusters.com or he can be reached at 646 404 8434. iam a eyewitness to this mans patented method of humane geese removal from any site. it is one hundred PERCENT i have seen 500 geese vanish in seconds when he deploys his method and with just 4 days training and occasional visits to reaffirm his domanance geese stay away for good or better yet buy a box and you will have a monster at your command that will i swear, releive your property of geese,seagulls and many more unwanted birds that are eating your crops or ruining your parks school grounds golf course ect. this method completely puts to shame the 15 year brainwashing that dogs can do the job. HAS IT WORKED? I THINK NOT! but the usda and geesepeace hold a strangle lock a government monoply on the public. the usda has geesebusters method but has buried it because of its simplicity and effect. if you truly want an end to your problems CALL GEESEBUSTERS!