Hi I am wondering how may users have experienced the so called Social Bookmarking Effect... Similar to Digg and Slashdot effects, I got hit by the Stumbleupon effect which is an exponential effect. That means unlike Digg and Slashdot where your blog may show up on the homepage, it is shown to people as people submit and click I like this. The more it is liked the more people are shown. This started on Thursday night and continued until today. On friday I received so much traffic in such a short time my blog went offline for approximately 30Seconds, and I was unable to access the wp-admin for and additional 5minutes while WordPress assigned more resources to my blog. The effect was not a huge effect but it is a long lasting effect as it is exponential. on friday I got to 1008 hits. 700 of those hits in less than 5 hours.
Has anyone had a similar situation present itself? and what is your average traffic?