Hi All,
First, thank you all soooo much for your replies and your help. Without you I would have been at a loss with my questions...
Secondly, I have decided to move away from wordpress.com - because of the Ads appearing, and the cost involved each year for CSS upgrades.. but specifically because of the Ads. I can get away without having to spend the yearly fee, as I already have unlimited server space on my main domain.
Please note that my site has been moved and the new link is: http://f1d.focusonedesign.ca
The site with wordpress.com will be cancelled and CSS upgrade cost refunded (hopefully).
I have sucessfully re-created the site "as is" with wordpress.org, however when importing the top menu buttons / navigational bar will not let me make changes to it - how do I fix this? Everything is set up correctly under Apperance - Menu, but nothing is appearing on the true website...
Any help greatly appreciated & thanks again!