Hey guys, I'm operating a bilingual Blog at http://zhlit.wordpress.com/.
I have no problem posting in English, however, when it comes to Chinese posts there is a little problem. In Chinese we leave 2 words spacing for the first line of a new paragraph, so I simply press double space when I start a new paragraph, everything looks fine till it is published. WordPress somehow recognised this as some sort of an error and auto correct it, so the published post do not show the 2 word spacing, it auto adjust to align with the rest of the lines in the paragraph (like English posts).
If you look at my Blog, the Chinese posts were set right because I used Windows Live Writer to post in Chinese, but I want to post everything in dashboard it saves me a lot of trouble. So is there a way to rectify this? Allow WordPress to not auto adjust the spacing of the fist line of a paragraph?
Thanks a lot for your help.