I`m trying to make a beatifull mp3 player in my web, so I use all this code down there. I´m really new with html, so everything is cut/copy and paste...
I´ve got what I needed, but I don´t know why the player is so far away from the top and from the bottom.
is there anything I can do to make it near from the top and the bottom?
maybe there´s something I´m doing wrong, or just the pages from wordpress don´t accept so much code?
thanks a lot. this is the page:
and this is the code:
Para <strong>cabezaborradora</strong> utilizo la voz y un violonchelo eléctrico conectado a un ordenador portátil. Voy grabando en directo los sonidos que toco y que luego voy superponiendo unos sobre de otros hasta formar una textura polifónica. Para ello utilizo una <a href="http://www.thomann.de/es/behringer_fcb_1010.htm">pedalera midi</a> y el software <a href="http://www.ableton.com">Abeton Live</a> y <a href="http://cycling74.com/products/maxmspjitter/">Max/msp</a>.
<p style="padding-left:150px;"><span style="font-size:xx-small;"><em>(Presiona los triángulos a la derecha o izquierda para avanzar en la playlist). </em></span></p>
<div style="width:292px;height:50px;background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #58faf4;margin:180px;"><strong>cabezaborradora ≠ subsuelo</strong>[audio http://3delamadrugada.files.wordpress.com/2010http:]
<div style="background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #58faf4;">
<p style="padding-left:180px;"><strong>cabezaborradora ≠ suelo</strong> <span style="font-size:xx-small;"> </span>[audio http://3delamadrugada.files.wordpress.com/2010/07mp3,http:|animation=no|lefticon=0x2e9afe|bgcolor=0x2e9afe|bg=0x2e9afe|rightbghover=0xdf0222|righticonhover=0xdf3333]