I can't add new widget from the page www.blip.pl (this is the Polish equivalent of twitter, widget shows the latest posts).
Blip published individual code my widget:
<object width="200" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://blip.pl/widget.swf" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashvars" value="blip_user=jaro46&color_scheme=dark&corner_radius=5&"><embed src="http://blip.pl/widget.swf" wmode="transparent" width="200" height="350" flashvars="blip_user=jaro46&color_scheme=dark&corner_radius=5&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
I tried add this widget through: widgets > text (add text or HTML code) > paste the code above
But this solution does not work. How can I add this widget on my blog?
My blog: jaroslawgaweda.wordpress.com