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natchezjohn on "A voice crying out in the wilderness"

If you're "mod" or "hip" or "trendy" you won't like it. But if you, like me" are stuck in the "good old days" you might find something you like. [From the side panel] "I've tried being active on...

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technebula on "Planning to get a self hosted website,can i hire somebody to...

I plan to make a self hosted site(not blog)..I was wondering if anybody out here could do it for me.

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capoeiraaltoastralromania on "blog not loading"

Hello, I haven't been able to view my blog for several days now. I've tried fixing it in any possible way I could find. It just displays a blank page. I noticed there are some categories that have...

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prometheuscomic on "coraline full-width?"

The coraline theme description says it "has an optional full-width page template that removes the sidebar." All the layouts under "theme options" include one or two sidebars. How can I make it...

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successfulforlife on "I need help advertising my new book"

Hello I would like some advise as to where do I need to go to advertise my new book, any help will be appreciated. Thank you www.revelationsofthetarot.blogspot.com

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ashull40s on "RSS Feed not working in all browsers"

I have my feed set to show full text. But here's what happens in different browsers: 1) In Firefox, it only shows a partial feed 2) In Internet Explorer, it shows a full feed 3) In Google Chrome, it...

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theunpollutedview on "Can't seem to get back to original CSS Style"

Hello, I started fiddling with the CSS after I purchased the option for changing it. Now, even after restoring, my page still looks weird--font not the right color or size, background color is...

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lizziegates1 on "Two blogs created in error on set up"

Hi I apologise if this has appeared as a question before (I tried the WP.com support and had a brief look at the forum but couldn't find anything!) Basically I set up a blog for a client wanting to use...

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runtzka on "widget image not showing in explorer"

Hi, my blog at sbtrealdeal.wordpress.com is now live and I've been told that the image in the Welcome box in the right column is not showing. It worked for me in Firefox, but I now checked the site...

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miriamnewman on "Changing location of Post Author"

I'm using the Sandbox theme with custom CSS for our blog, blog.leeandlow.comand would like to move the post author to the top of the post. Adding an author photo would be a bonus. I'm afraid that...

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jeremiahspassion on "Featured Image Dimensions"

I want to use the structure theme, but I have question about the featured images. What are the dimensions for the featured image that is displayed for the latest article? I want to make sure that I...

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dalethompson2010 on "Building wordpress site on Godaddy.com... now what?"

I currently have a hosting account with Godaddy.com and installed WordPress 3.01 on it this weekend. I have a domain name registered with Godaddy as well. I'm in the process of modifying a WordPress...

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skylarhope on "upgrading question"

Hey everyone! I just had a question about upgrading for anyone who has done it before. When you upgrade, im assuming you can change your site address correct? For example, instead of it being...

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xdemonchildx on "I can't replace my blog icon"

Hello everyone. When I started with my blog I change the blog icon. Now I want to change it but the old one won't go away. Is there any other way to change the blog icon then Settings > General >...

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daveytextiles on "Adding "Recent Posts" to an external HTML page"

Hey I am wondering if this is possible: I have an external website (www.daveytextiles.com) and I would like to add a recent posts section on the main page that hopefully would update automatically....

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ramadaning on "Decrease sidebar width"

Hello, I'm looking to purchase to the CSS upgrade, but first I need to know that I can make this change. I'm using the Coraline theme 1) I'd like to make the sidebar width smaller (about 75% of the...

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creativeempowerment1 on "Developing audiences"

Hi wordpress world! Wondering if anyone has any specific ideas on how to develop viewership on wordpress...? Thus far wondering how I can be on the featured main page over WP and possibly other on-line...

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balladeer on "Another funny sports list"

My latest post - http://glitternight.com/2010/08/23/the-20-coolest-football-helmets-in-ncaa-division-3/

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intotheflow on "Minimum age to start a blog"

Hi everybody, just one question, does anybody now how old you have to be to start an own blog? My son is 14 and would like to start one. Thanks for help.

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freewaffles on "Check out mine, I'll check out yours"

Pretty self explanatory, check out my blog and post yours, I'll return the favor :] and feedback would be awesome www.freewaffles.fluffyturtle.com

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