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holidayrentalcentre on "Problem moving wordpress to new site"

Hi I've moved my holiday blog from wordpress to a new domain yesterday. It worked great but after a few hours I must have done something wrong because the theme has completely gone, and the whole blog...

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skyblue456 on "how do you add TYNT to your posts?"

every time I paste the tynt code from my account on tynt and paste it on my posts all appears is //. what did i do wrong? all answers that are greatly appreciated. please help!

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jsallegra on "copying all blogs"

Is there a way to copy all my blog posts at one go so I can paste them into a folder on my computer? I know I can do it by opening each one individually, but I'm looking for an easier way.

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lifeofaginga on "900 views in three weeks"

I'm just so pleased to be sharing my story finally, I'm not to sure who is reading it, its kind of like an unknown, and in someways I don't want people I know reading it as they may judge me, but it is...

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nstodard on "Feature Image in Structure Theme"

I recently changed my theme to Structure, which allows a feature image with each post. Unfortunately, I struggle with finding images for the featured image that will upload without appearing stretched...

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gseraf on "Adsense on free WP - is it possible?"

Hi there, I wish to know if it is possible to use Google Adsense or Infolinks (or any other) with a free WordPress blog? I cannot find the paths suggested on tutorials, in particular, any Themes...

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huahinartsguide on "How to add a line break following an image"

...insert a line break after an image in the Visual Editor? http://huahinartsguide.com My guide consists mostly of items that typically have a thumbnail image followed by some text, then the next item...

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holidayrentalcentre on "Log in Problem"

I posted a question a few hours ago because I needed help, and thescredpath kindly told me to go to the wordpress.org forum, then closed the post thinking he answered my question. The problem is - if...

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svichet on "Khmer Translation validator request"

I'm a Cambodian lecture at Institut of Technology of Cambodia and currently working as research student at Institut of Applied Science, Rennes, French. I'm very interested in translation of wordpress...

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skyblue456 on "how to abowman gadgets to your wordpress blog"

i am having trouble adding abowman gadgets.i have been searching for 4 hours and nothing cames up. i saw WordPress blog have these gadgets and i don't know how to add them. ANY help will be greatly...

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nigelrumsey on "Exporting from wordpress.com"

Hi I'm trying to export my blog from wordpress.com and upload to wordpress.org. I've tried the export tool but it's just exporting the catagories, tags etc. it's not picking up any of the posts. I've...

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sachinsachin on "Can i write blog on different pages instead on only home page?"

I want to write blog on different categories, show each blog on different page, on home page i want to give link to each blog. Is it possible? i am new to word-press

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liquidcross on "iNove will not disable global tags?"

I tried switching over to iNove so I could hide the global tag links on the bottom of my posts. I unchecked "show tags on posts" under Theme Options, but the global tags still appear on all of my...

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thecyclingartist on "Private blog - how to invite non WP people?"

Trying to set up a blog that no one can see except people we invite - but in the privacy settings I only seem to be able to 'invite' by WP username. We want to invite people without them having to set...

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ksubi on "Change header size, and pic in Pressrow"

I've been spending hours searching these forums, and I can't seem to find a matching topic. All i want is to change the hight of the header to 400 instead of 200 which means i want the measurements 770...

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leisureguy on "Where is the Tweet button"

I am told that there is a new option in Appearances - Extras: you can enable a Tweet button. I went there, and I saw this: These are general extras that you can enable for your entire blog. Enable...

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allie147 on "Problems with Rounded theme"

My blog (http://herestous.wordpress.com) is currently using the theme Rounded. Occasionally, the widgets in my sidebar get scrambled, change format, or sometimes disappear altogether; I've especially...

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craftguide on "Chaning Display Name is Not Working"

So I am trying to change my display name (nickname), which is seen publicly when I author a post on any of my blogs or make comment on someone else's blog. I followed wordpress instruction by going to...

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psychonappy on "upon login, getting REDIRECT..."

Hi wordpress staff - When I try to login on my blogs (after the wp-login.php?) I'm getting this - redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2F%2F(my blog address)%2Fwp-admin%2Findex.php I would like to know why I'm...

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mattpearce85 on "Redirection Mistake? Help Please~"

I have a blog site using WordPress, and I wanted to make a custom link in my navigation menu. I looked for a plugin but all were outdated so I figured I'd make a regular page (to get the text I want in...

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