creativejules on "An Inspirational True Life Story"
Brother Tiger and the Winterborn Sister You are welcomed to share your thoughts, leave feedback, and/or add comments. Thank you!
View Articlemaxjohnsontraining on "domain mapping"
Hello, i recently bought the domain mapping so that my wordpress blog was accessed by typing the domain name i bought. I have managed to link the two together though i have two problems 1. My email for...
View Articlemoberlefs on "invite as contributor w/out forcing them to set up their own blog"
I'd like to invite colleagues to join a new site as contributors. Luckily, I tested this process by sending an invite to myself (to a little-used email address of mine). I followed...
View Articledevildogspaintball on "Video upgrade"
Does this upgrade allow me to not have to upload to Youtube and then link from there?. I would like to edit my own videos from home then upload them to my blog. I would like to use my own music and...
View Articlecestcoollefrancais on "Problem with Polls"
I have recently created a poll for my site, but when I go to change the appearance (I would prefer "narrow") the area where I used to be able to pick from the poll daddy templates has the rotating...
View Articlestrangevision on "Line spacing problem - words are cramped together"
Hi! I have a problem with the line spacing on my blog. For some reason, on my last three entries (all posted today) the lines of text are much closer together as compared to the other entries I've...
View Articlekriseyes on "the Arrival of the first Public Gay Intellectual"
Come check us out. Insightful cultural criticism and polemical inquiry all from a decided gay perspective. You won't be disappointed.
View Articleterryh4240 on "Inserting HTML into "text/html Widget", why some won't convert?"
I have tried inserting custom html into the "arbitrary text/html" widget, and some will not convert. For example, most recently I have tried to insert a customized survey made by survey monkey... and...
View Articlemedicnick on "page scrolling to right"
Hi guys, I'm new to blogging and have a problem I can't seem to fix. My blog seems to have a 'bottom' scrollbar which goes to the right. I think it's because of the: "Hey there! Thanks for dropping by...
View Articlesaltine713 on "Custom chart and graph maker"
I think it would be nice to have a graph maker on
View Articlesuizka on "Cannot change menu color from white!"
Hi everyone! Im a newbie to CSS and im trying to figure out how to get my menu to go back to a black font. At the minute i have managed to change it so that the hover goes to grey, but the original...
View Articlesherlocked on "Featured Image"
Is there a way to set the "Featured Image" with the "Press This" bookmarklet or Is there a way for the "Featured Image" to be set automatically (i.e. the 1st image of the post)
View Articlefotografzahl on "Problem: Theme Motion - position of blog title"
Hi there! I have a blog at I had been using the Theme "Motion" without any problems, but then when I refreshed the home page of my blog today, all...
View Articlecjhsu on "Unwanted Spacing Below Photographs — Only on Firefox"
Hi there, A weird question for everyone. On my blog (, whenever I have a full-sized photograph, the text below the photograph displays funny on Firefox (and not on Safari). To...
View Articlegeorgelakoff on "Remove INove "sidebars" and a few other basic questions"
Hi all, I am not particularly skilled with CSS so hopefully you can help. 1. How do I remove the ugly grey "sidebars" that are still on my site? I want it to just be the background image. 2. How do i...
View Articlebetts333 on "Avatar/Gravatar/Icon help"
website: I am trying to change my default icon that displays when you do a search on or when you comment on a blog. I have read the tutorials on...
View Articletheoccasionalwife on "Oulipo theme Removing borders from widget images"
I would like to remove the borders around the image widgets on my page...PLEASE HELP! I have the CSS upgrade but am 100% new at this. Thanks
View Articleangelanilsson on "Error in Formatting of Article Heading"
Yesterday I did some text editing in a post already published before. An HTML sign appeared in my article headline (visible also in the post). I deleted it. Afterwards I got a two-line article heading...
View Articlemarkstarmanns on "Wrong front page - it shows old archieve"
hello, i have set a forwarding from my website to but when i go on my blog's front page only shows the latest entry of august...
View Articlesusanmcgowan on " - How do I delete Super Poke Pets?"
I am a photographer and use to display my photos. However, they have this annoying pop up that appears on the bottom of each slide. I want to get rid of it and can't figure out how to do it...
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