skylarhope on "looking to add people on facebook..."
Does anyone facebook? Add me and Ill add you. :)!/profile.php?id=100001526826624
View Articleservicemasterinterns on "So if they get rid of Pressrow..."
Will they give us something comparable? I've got our blog on Pressrow right now... I'd like to not have to redesign everything.
View Articlefield305 on "Adsense driving me crazy!"
Ok well Ive made a site and am trying to put adsense into my template. I followed the tutorials and tried to put them on my right sidebar. But for some reason they are in random places on my blog. I...
View Articlesosweetsoperverse on "How do I delete the 'home' and 'meta' part from my blog?"
Hi, how do I delete the 'home' and 'meta' sections from my blog? I'd also like to delete the title of my blog at the bottom of the page and also the 'blog @ wordpress' parts, too.
View Articlebobdavcav on "wigit accessibility"
As far as I can see, the system that is used to activate and deactivate wigits is not accessible. I'd be happy to work with developers to fix this.
View Articleashlounge on "autostart=yes Not Working"
Hello All, I wanted to help with getting more customers at a bar I work at so I decided WordPress would be the best solution since I do not have much web experience. I noticed several differences...
View Articlecarlthomas on "2 blogs, 1 anonymous?"
I have a blog that I had to make to use wordpress stats, akismet etc. Now, i want to use that account for a group blog that will be anonymous. It seems the setting page will apply to all...
View Articleukes4fun on "pdf icons on published page multiplying - how do I stop this?"
Every time I insert a pdf file into a page it stars off with just a text link. Then every time I reload the page (I think this is the trigger) I see more and more pdf icons alongside the link. I have...
View Articleanitadallar on "Changing Comments to Summaries on RSS Feeds"
I know posts can be changed from full text to summaries in RSS, but is there a way to change comments from full text to summaries in RSS?
View Articlewritingangel on "Image uploaded but not appearing on blog or under "Media...
I want to upload an image to "Media Library". However, once the image is uploaded, I cannot view the image on blog / under "Media Library" although it is clear that the image is uploaded. The image...
View Articlemollyblossom on "Confused about Tags"
I'm confused about tags. I read the documentation, but I'm still not understanding. I added tags to my post without a problem. Are they 'attached' (for lack of a better word) to all the posts? It...
View Articlelyndallh on "Viewing my imported blog"
I *think* I just imported my blog from Vox (I followed all of the steps and received an email saying that my import was successful), but I cannot for the life of my find any of the posts that were...
View Articleeadi on "File Updates Break Links"
I have a pdf on my site that is referenced in several links on various pages throughout my site. That pdf gets updated every few weeks. And each time it gets updated, the folder and name of the file...
View Articleunsworthphotography on "very basic"
I have a bluedomain website and I can add a link in my admin. So when I added the link. My blog came up but so does all my login information...with my account, my blog and blog info? What am doing wrong?
View Articletestedmundo on "How can I make pages link to javascript ?"
I am trying to embed JayCut into my blog and I have done the most part. Now all I want is to add a Page that simply runs the script : javascript:show_player() How can this be done ? I tried using the...
View Articledustinkirby on "Converge 2 e-mails into one."
So I setup 2 different blogs with 2 separate emails, instead of just adding a new blog to my first e-mail, as I should have there a way to manage both blogs from just one login after...
View Articlesileonard on "Custom Post Type, Custom Permalink. Possible?"
Hi, I am trying to add the year and monthum to the permalink of a custom post type in the regular WordPress format: What is the best way to accomplish this?...
View Articleighostwriter on "Plugin for on posts?"
so i found out that i need to put the quicktag <!--more--> after a certain point on my posts to make a "Read more..." hyperlink at the bottom of my posts on homepage. thing is that this begins to...
View Articlejulieshapiro on "drop down option for archives"
Hi This is a pretty minor point, but I cannot find the answer elsewhere. I've got the box checked that should make my archives appear with a drop-down box. It worked that way for a while (I am sorry to...
View Articlenfftyjesse on "getting the poster frame/image"
hi, I'm developing a site using and uploading videos using videopress, I want to add a links to other videos in my posts and I want those links to have the poster image/frame of the other...
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