ashleydwatson on "Pasting from Word"
I've tried several different options when trying to paste a word document onto my blog. The formatting is not the same. Even when I paste into the HTML format, I cannot indent lines because it...
View Articleservicemasterinterns on "Remove Header Text in PressRow"
Hello, I'd like to Hide the header text in my PressRow blog. Is there an easy, copy paste method to do this with CSS? I'd like just my Image Header to be there, not a title.
View Articlemelissabrosowski on "Adding graphs into posts"
I have a document in Word with pie charts that I was hoping to post. I've tried copying them into Excel but I can't get either way to work to paste the graph into the wordpress post. Please help!
View Articlekelltick on "2010 theme author about section"
I was wondering if there is a way to get the about author section out of my blog I just changed to the 2010 theme and now it is at the bottom of every post I write and I was wondering if I can get rid...
View Articlechuck227 on "Site Hits"
I am curious if there have been any changes or modification to the WP site activity tracking SW. I have a one year old site,, and over the last 6 or 7 months I have been...
View Articleburnpoetry on "Looking for Some Hateful Humor?"
If you think Tiger Woods' love life is a punch-line, that the cast of Jersey Shore are worse than George W. Bush's "Axis of Evil.", and that nothing is sacred in this crazy world we live in than YOU...
View Articlemanoreis on "Tocar Mp3 ao abrir Blog"
Posso tocar um arquivo Mp3 ao abrir o meu Blog? Como faço isso? Advirto que o meu Blog é gratuito e tenho a impressão que isso funciona somente nos pagos. Estou certo? Grato Marcos
View Article3delamadrugada on "Change fonts, margin, etc in pages with basic html"
hello, I´m just learning to manage my blog. I´d like to know where to find the info about how to make the basic changes to a text in order to make it "elegant". I know how to make it bold, italic, and...
View Articlealwayswellwithin on "Summer highlights from Always Well Within"
This summer's hottest posts from Always Well Within: Reducing your oil use 5 steps to diffusing anger 1 in 5 highly sensitive I look forward to meeting you at Always Well Within! All the best to you,...
View Articlejenssims on "HTTP error"
I had an HTTP error when uploading a pic and now I can't get on my dashboard. Just shows a white page, nothing else. Is there an issue I'm not aware of? Anyone else having problems? Thanks.
View Articlebighoneydog on "Blank page instead of my Dashboard! Anyone else?"
I signed in as usual this morning and clicked on my "Dashboard" from the top menu above my blog. A completely white, blank page came up with "Done" at the bottom of my browser - even though the URL...
View Articlecavemancooking on "Can't Access Admin Page"
I've logged in successfully, but when I try to go to my blog's dashboard, the page comes up blank. I've refreshed it, logged out and then back in, tried a different browser ... but nothing seems to...
View Articlemanuelcarrillo92 on "Trouble Accessing Dashboard"
So I've been trying to access my dashboard, but I keep getting a blank page. I can go to my blog by typing in the URL, but when I try going to my dashboard nothing happens (on either google chrome or...
View Articlenaphotorecords on "Having Trouble With New Posts"
Hello I am having trouble uploading a new post to my blog. I started one earlier and when I went to save it, I couldn't upload. I have subsequently tried to access my dashboard and the new post page...
View Articlejantelagom on "Dashboards not showing up"
I'm not sure how to report this to WordPress, but neither of my two blog dashboards are appearing when I click to them. I log in, it takes me to the WordPress home page, but when I go to the top and...
View Articlecristovaoverstraeten on "can't go to dashboards of my two blogs"
eurm, should I be worried or..? i can't access any of my blogs (dashboards) all i get is a blank page (no post edits, stats et all...) tried with two different browsers the blogs are still online...
View Articledekers on "Dashboard blank, can't post or do anything"
Everything under the dasboard admin is loading as blank, in both explorer and firefox. A few days ago I purchased the domain mapping so the .org would point to I was able to access...
View Articleglad1at0re on "Can't enter my Dashboard"
There seems to be a problem with my dashboard the past 15 minutes or so. I click on the name of my blog over "My Dashboard" in the bar above and it takes my in blank page...
View Articlefracas on "What Happened?"
I was in my dashboard, preparing a new post and when I tried to publish it, got a blank white screen. I wasn't able to access anything in my admin area anymore, and so closed the browser, started up...
View Articleizaakmak on "Can't access my admin pages"
My PC froze up on me a few minute ago. After restarting it and then my browser, I logged back into WP only to have a blank page displayed. I can't access any of my admin pages at all. I'm obviously...
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