embejo on "New post showing in side bar but not on home page"
Hi all, Posted a new post called So Far So Good. (http://embejoetc.wordpress.com/2010/09/07/so-far-so-good/) which is showing in side bar under "Recent Posts". Also shows in feed reader, and on...
View Articlenil1950 on "Gallery in Modularity Lite and Internet Explorer 7 (and 8?)"
Hi folks, Discovered another allergic reaction to IE in Modularity Lite, I think. When I create a gallery, I chose 4 miniatures on a row as that fills in the space nicely and in my Firefox that works...
View Articlesophiehenry on "How to change the color of posts titles in Benevolence theme?"
Dear WordPress users I battle with CSS as I am a newbie. After hours, I ask you the question I have not been able to solve myself. I use the theme benvolence on a wordpress.com blog. I have purchased...
View Articlemiracleword on "How to go public view from my editable private view?"
I clicked public, but one of my followers said they could access the editing of the posts? hows that?
View Articlemylittlechap on "Cannot Write Post & Blog Not Loading Properly"
Hi Using both IE and Firefox - Windows 7 operating system - the "add new post" page appears not to be functioning properly. The two tabs for Visual and HTML are visible but unusable, clicking on the...
View Articlecorinthcycling on "Theme Issues"
Is there a problem with some of the standard themes on WordPress today? I am using the Contempt theme and have been for several months but it no longer displaying correctly. Nothing is formatted. I...
View Articletheseroads on "Search Widget Redirecting"
Hey, So, when you click in the box on my search widget to enter a term it automatically redirects the page to an external site (TwitterButtons.com) I recently added a button from this site, so it...
View Articleburghertime on "Polls not appearing in post"
I'm having trouble inserting a poll into a post. In the past I've had no problems with this, but today when I embed the poll into the post after building it through PollDaddy, it does not show up in...
View Articlealiva13 on "get a blog which is already token!"
I want to get a blog with this address http://aliva.wordpress.com/ but it is already token. I have tried to contact to owner but there was no response this blog has only 1 post posted in 2007 (I don't...
View Articlekburoker on "Cursor disappeared"
I started a new blog post this morning, then went to add a picture, which wordpress couldn't upload. Okay, already annoyed. I hit "save draft" then previewed the new post (even though I wasn't finished...
View Articledavidderrick on "Junk referrals"
I find I'm getting more and more hits from sites that just want me to visit them for some dubious reason. Are others noticing more junk referrals? Akismet is extremely good at filtering spam from...
View Articlejulieshapiro on "Links--new page vs. new tab"
Hi When I add links I get that question about "target" and there is an option for same page/tab vs. new page/tab. I always choose the "new" option. But sometimes it is "new tab" and sometimes it is...
View Articlejeanettereinoir on "Feedback in my blog"
Hello, I would like to add to my blog a Feedback (uservoice.com) widget. I get a script which is suposed I have to past inside the html of my blog. Is that posible? How can I do it? Thanks for the help
View Articlehellorosie on "moving the sidebar in tarski"
I've had such great help here before, so I'm going to ask a couple more questions. Thanks in advance! I'm working with the tarski theme. 1. My widget sidebar - I'd like to add some space between the...
View Articlekriseyes on "The Gay Intellectual is now the HETERODOX"
I am just announcing a name change of the blog. It still is concerned with gay socio-political concerns, cultural criticism, insightful philosophy, and biting polemics.
View Articlemaxjohnsontraining on "The menu order"
Is it possible to change the order of the menu on the left? Many thanks
View Articlebubbly2 on "image appears twice in post"
I have an issue when I insert a picture in my post. It appears twice, in different size, much like a thumbnail and underneath, the chosen size one. Can anybody help? Thank you in advance virginie
View Articlegauthma on "LaTeX source code"
I am very much aware that WordPress.com supports interpretation of LaTeX source code, but what about support for *displaying* LaTeX source code with highlight support? Using the [sourcecode lang=""]...
View Articleteambeauti on "published not posted"
I have published a piece and want to post it but cannot seem to find the proper way. The piece is showing up under pages but not under posts even though it's showing it's been published.
View Articleteambeauti on "posting a published piece"
I cannot remember how to post something I have written.
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