kevinfromcanada on "stats change from visits to views"
My blog stats seem to have changed from daily visits to page views in the last few days. Has wordpress changed the blog stats format or did I do something that I don't realize?
View Articleanincorrigible on "Google recog 1 minute it was there next it was gone"
My site is only in its third week so I was chuffed when last week the address was recognised by google. However when I try it now, Google will only show sites that mention my wordpress blog. I would be...
View Articledavec1205 on "Can I change the "Blogroll" Title"
The links in my sidebar are showing under the heading "blogroll". How do I change "blogroll" to something like "Useful Links"?
View Articlefordlor on "Import was not complete"
I just tried to export/import a wordpress blog to another wordpress blog. However, it only imported 137 posts and I have a total of 226 posts. Where did they go? Can they be imported by Tech Support?...
View Articleknittinginatree on "Merging blogspot posts into wordpress"
Hey there, I'm new to wordpress and was wondering if there is a way to add my old posts from blogspot into my wordpress blog. Thanks.
View Articlexapis on "Problem loading Dashboard"
Has anyone else recently had problems with their dashboard? Mine has not been fully loading the past few days and I am unable to click on any drop down menus. I didn't upload or change anything. I was...
View Articleracattackforce on "Add ".tk" domain to blog"
Like the topic title says, how can I add a ".tk" domain to my blog
View Articlebridgetteb on "Added Author Widget - Avatars show, but not names Coraline Them"
I added the author widget, but only the avatars show in the sidebar. Before our theme was changed to Coraline, the avatars were shown with their names. Our authors are all admins..does that affect it?...
View Articleskylarhope on "Since Prince Charming isn't here...."
I once again have to cheery myself up after the WORST week ever. This keeps up, by the time he gets here, I'm gonna be the most bitter, bitch in the universe......
View Articlehksf on "Deleted blog and domain"
I created a blog here a while back, but deleted it. I am registering that blog here again. My problem is that the domain is being hosted here at and I keep getting this message when I try...
View Articleloupgarou73 on "Getting visitors on blog but not replying. Help please."
Hi everyone, Bit new to the blogging experience, or at least trying to get my blog out there for people to read. I have had a few visits to my blog but no replies. Please be brutally honest and tell me...
View Articlelatebloomerbuds on "Twitter"
How do I get my Twitter account attached to my blog and have the twitter icon available for visitors to click on?
View Articlemhdbadi on "Upgrade to self-hosted with a new domain"
Hello everyone, I have a blog at I have also a special domain name (.me) I want to link the domain to my blog and get a storage so posts looks like the following:...
View Articlekeithjinternet on "Need Refund on Domain"
Support is down until Sept 19th and I need two refunds for domains before the 2 days are up.. what do I do? I don't want to get stuck here. Thanks in advance for the help!
View Articlecrfreeridedownhill on "VODPOD NOT WORKING..."
Hello guys... Is there a max number of video at VODPOD that you can link to it...? Don't know if that is the reason, but I'm having serious difficulties to post a video I have in VODPOD into a Post.......
View Articlepanaghiotisadam on "Missing Themes"
PressRow removed again, along with Sandbox 0.6.1, Sandbox 1.1, and The Journalist v1.3.
View Articleboomerbeauty on "Leaving comments on all articles"
I have several articles that relate to each other and want to update each in different ways with different information. What I'd like to do is then allow visitors to leave comments on any article they...
View Articleandyalstonf1 on "New Formula 1 Blog" A new blog with the latest news, views and reviews on all things Formula One by an experienced Motorsport enthusiast. With the chance to have your say on featured...
View Articlemullenann4 on "9-1-1 Deactivation"
When I got up this morning, I found the message below on my blog. I read through all the things you said and I think I got in trouble because I blogged about Freebie Forum Trading and I had an ad for...
View Articlecrossfitcapeann on "Email Question"
I've got my domain name mapped to my wordpress blog site but now my email won't work. I've been told I need to contact wordpress and have them point the domain MX Records / Mail Servers to the...
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