swordguy on "Looking for direction"
Hello, I am new to this obviously but I would like a little feed back on my blog (good or bad) I got thick skin. Thanks for the input.
View Articlevandakiara on "Author Grid"
Hi, I'm having trouble with a widget - the author grid. I suppose you can put various images and it shows there, which would be really useful, however, I can't find anywhere how to do that... where do...
View Articlewvwhaley on "Protect Blog Content"
I'm looking for options to protect my blog content from unauthorized use/copying. I found information on disabling the right-click function on wordpress.org blogs. Is this option also available for...
View Articleexaltedlegions on "Page Not Publishing Correctly"
I am using pages on my blog to hold my game reviews I have written. I have already made about 38 pages that have been okay but this last page (my very last one!) is giving me a problem. When I create...
View Articlekarinafrancesca on "Post a slideshow via text widget"
I currently added a photo gallery to a page on my blog. After messing around with it for a while I came across how to make a slideshow and really liked the idea. For the actual page I wanted to keep...
View Articlebreanacarrier on "My favorite post to date :) Check it out!!!"
This post is titled "Someone II" and it is pretty much my favorite post i've written. the original is a few years old however. please share you're favorite posts.
View Articleamperidis on "Widget Text in Right Sidebar Query"
Hi all, First my site is http://propertyofproperty.com and the theme is 'structure'. So, I've been looking round for ways to dodge paying for a host, so I'm simply operating out of wordpress.com and do...
View Articledolcs on "Doing a blog Website in wordpres"
Hi, I want to do blog page or blog website using wordpress. bikeadvice.in is an sample website which is said to be done in wordpress. I need the same type of webpages to be added in my website. Iam a...
View Articleshane3x on "Change Post Title"
Hi, I have the monochrome theme. I want to be able to change the title of my posts as they don't really stand out too much, things like changing the colour to black, making it bold and maybe a bit...
View Articlemontaudesadurni on "Photo Gallery Display on page"
I have problems setting up a photo gallery on my page. I would like to display my flickr pictures on my page not on the sidebar in a widget, how can I do that?
View Articlelornakismet on "How to identify a theme by name"
Sometimes I see a blog here on WordPress and scroll to the bottom sidebar to find out what the theme name is. For example, my blog says that it is the Greyzed theme. Often, though, when I scroll down...
View Articlemetal666blade on "Ratings problem"
I've always used the ratings widget in my sidebar and it worked normally. From 2 weeks I noticed, that when someone votes for a post there appears strange symbols instead the name of the post,...
View Articleyassine34 on "New pages can't be viewed"
I create a blog, and the home page it works fine, but when I create a new page like ( Info or whatever) I see just ( 404 Error File Not Found The page you are looking for might have been removed, had...
View Articlebeaufortjazz on "difference between attaching document to post and linking?"
Hello I have noticed that there is a difference between attaching an image or document to a post or just linking to it in the media storage. If I just link by copying and pasting the link into the...
View Articletandava108 on "How to "unlike" a post, "like vs ratings", and can you disable...
I thought that I would try out the "like" system on my own blog. To avoid appearing narcissistic is there a way to "unlike" my own post? Also, this seems to be very similar to ratings, which could...
View Articlekalinga911 on "navigation bar problem"
<?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=');?> Home | About_us | i want to know how create "|" for every page end tell me how to it ? thanx
View Articlenicegirlnotes on "pointing nameserver to self hosted bluehost?"
Hello, I purchased my dot com site through WP.com. I realized I should have gone with WP.org from the get-go, so I signed up through bluehost to install WP.org. Bluehost informed me that I have to have...
View Articlewaldfield on "changing what tag does"
Currently, whenever I surround text with "strong" tags, it makes the text bold and smaller. Is there a way for me to change what strong does? I'd like it to just make the text bold without changing its...
View Articlethoselivememories on "The role of memories in human mind!!"
Hi friends, everyone has so many types of memories& also questions do occurs along with that like from where it comes, why do they&how do they occur and what exactly it does to us?!! is it good...
View Articlebreakandassemble on "Multiple usernames/passwords for a page"
just wondered if anyone can help me out on something : For the site http://www.dramaticmoments.co.uk I am trying to make a password protected page, whereby multiple passwords and user names can be set...
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