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jatwood4 on "Notifications won't open"


My primary blog is http://diabeticredemption.com. The notifications on my admin bar won't open -- they just start processing, with the little wheel, and will go on like that all night. Help, please -- when I comment on other peoples' posts, and they reply, this is how I find out, and I would love if you could fix it or tell me how to. Thanks for your help and your time.

jdelvalle12 on "domain name transfer"


I am trying to transfer my domain name host from WordPress to Fatcow. I have already done the necessary steps found: http://en.support.wordpress.com/domains/transfer-domain-registration/#send-the-transfer-authorization-code but for some reason it still wasn't letting me install my newly purchased theme. I went back in and saw that my domain is still registered with WordPress so I began the transfer process again only to find that there isn't a single domain listed in my domain manager site. What is going on? Why isn't there a domain listed?

wspaniel on "eBay Ads Covering Embedded YouTube Videos"


There are "Great Deals on eBay" advertisements appearing on embedded YouTube videos. They cannot be closed and they interfere with viewing. What are they?

I checked the HTML code, and there's nothing there. I thought it might be YouTube, but they don't appear on the same embedded YouTube videos on a different website. Help?

See here: http://wjspaniel.wordpress.com/pscir106/

purplelue on "What are your primary and secondary nameservers?"


What are your primary and secondary nameservers?

hollow72244 on "How Can I Contact WordPress?"


Dear WordPress,

If you can kindly give me a way to contact WordPress, I would be thankful.

This is about something that is important.

Thank you.
Any help is appreciated.


kaleijones on "Widget & Theme"


I believe none of my Widgets - is not working because of the themes that I have selected wouldn't be able to show on my website. I have many Widgets on my tabs and information. Why isn't it showing up if I have it already set and completed (saved) ?

katherinebell on "adding tags"


I added two additional tags after my first list of tags, but they did not show up on my blog. What do I need to do? Thanks.

feldenkraisbrasil on "invasion in my blog"


I'm here to ask for your help. My blog has been invaded for adds that I didn't allow. Even advertises with sex in it's content what is prejudicing the image of my business. i have many images to prove that. I'm going to report the local police here in Brasil but I would like to know what is the wordpress action is these cases? What can you do to help to stop that or I have to borrow the account?
I'm waiting for an answer that can help me to solve this question.
Thank you, Mariana.

tastedenim on "Permalink on Facebook all blend together and just too much information."


sharing on facebook permalinks has too much information. No on can understand the runons of the permalinks. I would like to not post that when sharing only on facebook. Please help. Thank you

mawmagphilippines on "please help us remove http://mawmagphil.wordpress.com/"


Hi Support:

may i please ask your help as
i want to deactivate http://mawmagphil.wordpress.com/ because this appears as the top search in google while our true site is mawmagph.wordpress.com. As i remember, I already deleted the http://mawmagphil.wordpress.com/ before and now it still appears as the "real" site while its not really. can you please remove it so that mawmagph.wordpress.com will be the top searcheable site. thanks a lot

Paul David Magisa
administrator or mawmagphilippines

southpacificengagement on "CSS help"



I have custom design upgrade and I would like to change the font style to my site title

The font name I choose is Le Havre and the Typekit Kit ID is rrw2tjd.

The problem is I know nothing about CSS. I would be appreciate for the advice. Thank you

vallyol on "My blog is not available!"


My blog is not available!
In general - not available all the second-level domains in wordpress.com
But I can visit your blog using proxies (anonymizers).That is, wordpress.com block all visitors from Rostelecom network?
traceroute vallyol.wordpress.com
traceroute to vallyol.wordpress.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 1.469 ms 1.924 ms 2.413 ms
2 ( 14.548 ms 14.789 ms 15.115 ms
3 * ppp9i.yaroslavl.ru ( 16.250 ms 24.847 ms
4 ( 20.635 ms 23.319 ms 24.284 ms
5 ( 26.734 ms 27.203 ms ( 32.672 ms
6 ( 37.006 ms 27.478 ms *
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8 xe-2-2-0.frkt-ar2.intl.ip.rostelecom.ru ( 70.307 ms ( 86.211 ms *
9 ( 73.584 ms * 76.449 ms
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15 * te0-6-0-7.ccr21.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com ( 162.306 ms *
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17 te0-3-0-3.ccr21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 196.837 ms te0-3-0-5.mpd22.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 196.199 ms te0-3-0-0.ccr21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 186.332 ms
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19 * te0-1-0-0.ccr21.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 210.464 ms te0-6-0-0.ccr21.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 197.298 ms
20 * ( 186.203 ms 191.856 ms
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22 layered-11.border1.dal004.pnap.net ( 196.509 ms 195.806 ms 196.629 ms
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traceroute support.wordpress.com
traceroute to support.wordpress.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 1.258 ms 1.793 ms 2.498 ms
2 ( 14.012 ms 14.276 ms 14.535 ms
3 * * ppp9i.yaroslavl.ru ( 17.804 ms
4 ( 20.765 ms 21.630 ms 23.309 ms
5 ( 58.329 ms * ( 30.027 ms
6 * ( 19.999 ms 18.333 ms
7 ae-16.626.m10-cr2-b.msk.ip.rostelecom.ru ( 18.813 ms * 21.608 ms
8 xe-10-2-2.frkt-ar2.intl.ip.rostelecom.ru ( 71.735 ms * *
9 ams-sara-cor-1.peer1.net ( 83.695 ms * 10ge.xe-0-0-0.linxb.ldn-teleh-dis-1.peer1.net ( 95.747 ms
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traceroute wordpress.com
traceroute to wordpress.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 1.246 ms 1.709 ms 2.181 ms
2 * ( 15.619 ms 15.992 ms
3 ppp9i.yaroslavl.ru ( 20.827 ms 21.095 ms *
4 ( 19.863 ms 21.677 ms 22.665 ms
5 ( 26.374 ms ( 28.336 ms 28.563 ms
6 ( 35.800 ms 16.637 ms 21.867 ms
7 ae-5.626.m7-cr1-b.msk.ip.rostelecom.ru ( 19.902 ms 21.423 ms 24.066 ms
8 xe-10-3-2.frkt-ar2.intl.ip.rostelecom.ru ( 79.641 ms ( 69.843 ms *
9 * * ams-sara-cor-1.peer1.net ( 77.781 ms
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12 wordpress.com ( 172.945 ms 171.666 ms *


planetasonnenkinder on "Are pictures in a protected post saved too?"


I am german. I have a question:

I load a wordpress blog on my server. I have some protected posts with pictures. Are the pictures protected too?
I don`t want to find them at google...not as snippet too...

modernfairies on "Why might 'Comments I've Made' be incomplete?"


It seems that 'Comments I've Made' doesn't show all the comments I've made, only some of them. I have to go and find the other comments myself on the relevant blogs, to see if there has been a reply.

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious. I've tried Googling the issue, without a resolution.

Does anyone else have the same problem?

postakutumdaparkinson on "Add DNS record for postakutumdaparkinson.com"


I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain postakutumdaparkinson.com but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me?

drjanecaffery on "Stay theme images double up when using slider"


I've followed the theme instructions re setting the Home page template and setup the home slider with featured images.

However, I now get a double-up of the images e.g., the Home page image is positioned below the image on the slider. Not sure what to do next to remove it.


bluebirdblvd on "Made a contact form! Yay! Now.. how do I drive this thing?"


Dear WordPressonians,

Given the spammy state of things lately, I've decided to make a contact form, so that people can send me comments within my blog, instead of giving out my email address for my blog.

I finally got the form all sussed, and even put it up as a post.

And then all heck broke loose.

I cannot find the answers to the following questions:

1) Where do I put this contact form?

I was planning on putting it on the bottom of many posts and at the end of most pages.

For some reason, I thought any contact page I made had a link that was built into the WP post form and the page form— much like regular comments, shares, or likes are built into the post/page forms.

2) If I made this thing up in my head about the contact forms and posts/pages, where/how do make that contact form available for posts and pages?

Should I just add a link at the bottom of each post? (That seems rather clunky.)

What about pages?

Oh my gosh, I am so confused!

3) My friend M. already sent me a HILARIOUS comment via the contact form. (The one I put up as a single post, remember?) And I cannot figure out how to respond to M.!

When I go to "feedbacks" in the dashboard all I can see are two buttons where I can delete her comment or report it as spam. I would like to reply to M.'s comment. Very much so!

How or where can I respond to M.'s comment about the kittens and the Cylons?

From my email? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a contact form obscuring my email information?

I appreciate any and all help or links you can offer on this specific subject. The comment form thing, I mean. Not the kittens and Cylons thing.

Thanks bunches,

Courtenay Bluebird

jtbridge2013 on "I have a typo in my blog title. How do i fix it? thank you."


I have a typo in my blog title. How can I correct it?

jackhammermemes on "I can't function due to trolling."


I'm being spammed, and all of my posts are down voted so much, I have to keep turning them off, and it's a Meme site, where ratings matter.
The people doing it, are both members, and staff, of cheezburger.com.
They bullied my Wife and kids, set me up, trolled, then when I sought help, they banned.
They have found my blog, and it's happening all over again.
I am battling Diabetes among other things, and can't keep it up.

Please help, as the famous so-called "Family Orientated Site", are going to cause me to end up in Hospital for a 4th time.

If you could imlement it so only registered WP users could rate posts, that would be great, and I'm sure you've had this request, many times.


vtigress on "Need to add code snippets to be displayed as code snippets in a post"


I need to display code snippets in my blog post.
I want to display them as code snippets only and not as ordinary text.
I seem to have found the plugin but I am not able to upload or add the plugin into my blog

Please help
I use vtigress.wordpress.com blog


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