I know there is freedom of speech but why is it that bloggers post people's personal info without their permission?
This blogger did this because me and other commenters didn't agree with her ignorant view of the law:
Apparently, you are a "Racist" and a "bigot" when you say that noone has the right to sneak into america and demand citizenship, the usual lines.
I know we all disagree but i don't think this person has the right to blast people's personal info without their permission, just like i'm sure i would be in trouble if i did this to somebody.
I told another blogger that if they spread lies about me on their site i would sue,
this person got scared and erased everything they said, but this person thinks they are invincible and above the law here.
WordPress seems to ignore many complaints they get, so i also asked my local FBI some questions about this.
I told them I was being ignored and i am waiting for a response from them.
I told the blogger since they are trying to "expose" people i would do the same thing to them, but, i don't think i'll stoop their level, i'll just let them look silly.
I don't see why wordpress is quick to shut down certain blogs but ignore the complaints of others.
Already contacted wordpress and no response.