Hi All, We are looking to upgrade our account, but need the best package that would accommodate the needs for these questions.
Can someone please answer the following questions for us, then suggest the right package?
* We would like to update our subscription for WordPress so that we can advertise on our blog page. If we update our subscription, can we advertise on our blog page?
* How much more per month and per year will it cost us to advertise on our page?
* By advertising, will we be able to update the creative through WordPress or does WordPress have to update the creative?
* The type of advertising we would like to have is a leaderboard and skyscraper. Once our blog page has a leaderboard and skyscraper on the page, will this change the template? If so, how?
* If we want to have ONLY a badge ad on the top of the right side rail, will this change the template?
Thanks all!