commpubwa on "How do you add a changing header image? (flash?)"
Hi, Would love to have my header image change pictures (is that called a flash picture? not sure). I'm using the Coraline WordPress theme. Is there a way to do this without opening up the CSS (which...
View Articledrpenguen on "Oulipo theme header problem"
i really love this theme, but header graphic is covering search.... if you check this link you will see....
View Articlelodi360 on "Wordpress for IPOD Touch 4"
Before I purchase a new IPOD Touch 4 for use with, can anyone tell me if the latest application version allows you to copy and paste text? Specifically, I want to copy text from emails...
View Articlememoirsofanimperfectstripper on "Why was my post deleted from the "off topic"...
I posted a promotional piece on the board of the "off topic" section entitled "I get paid to get naked. A blogger named the Raincoaster replied to the thread claiming that I shouldn't be posting on...
View Articlekristianlyng on "These stats can't be right?"
Normally I get between 50 and 100 views per day. On the 9th of September a community-site I'm involved with ( re-launched their front page putting my blog fairly front-and-center...
View Articlevalzart on "valzart gallery"
Hi sweetheARTzz have just got my new domain name and am revamping my site checkitout - such fun lol! hope to meet you all soon ;} Val happy hippy hugglez
View Articlemjean09 on "Can I email support directly?"
My question is not getting answered... is there some way I can email support or tech or whoever directly?
View Articlejischinger on "widget - debt clock"
need a small debt clock that will work in the text widget box possible? anyone?
View Articlerealagenda on "Customizing Post Titles"
Each of the pages of my site has a title. The Splash page has one that says "Breaking Now" and so on. I would like to customize those section titles to different fonts and sizes or even to put an image...
View Articlestreetlightct on "Showing Server URL, not sites."
Hey guys, I am having an issue with my wordpress website, when you type in it works fine, however, when you click on the about page or other pages it links you to a server...
View Articlebrantleyjohnson on "Other people say they cannot see the images I posted"
I have a mac and created my header. Some of the people who went to my blog that have PC said there is no picture displayed. Is that a problem with mac or wordpress?
View Articlebetweenamigos on "How to remove photo in gallery"
Help I'm a newbie, I'm trying to remove a photo from my gallery and I can't figure it out. How do you do that?? Thank you in advance :)
View Articlehamusutaaa on "i want blog buddies"
i wannnt blog buddiiiies TT_______TT yes, im very desperate XD
View Articlesurmrit on "what is the purpose of "link category"?"
what is the purpose of "link category" and how to use it. My blog :
View Articlejclarothe on "How to remove central page titles in Neutra?"
Hello. I am using the neutra theme. I have several page titles that appear on every page quite large at the top of the central column. Can I get rid of these? I prefer them smaller as a widget on the...
View Articlechrisdibiase on "best package to fit our needs"
Hi All, We are looking to upgrade our account, but need the best package that would accommodate the needs for these questions. Can someone please answer the following questions for us, then suggest the...
View Articlefriendsofthebridegroom on "Role of author and private posts"
I have setup a private blog. I only want users I invite to view the blog. Then, within that blog, I want to make all posts available to viewing to all role types. I plan to have all users that I invite...
View Articlebarwick on "Installed in subdirectory, but root directories still work"
On my blog, - I had wordpress installed in the root directory. I put together a splash page and named it index.html - it works fine, and has links in it to 5 of my pages, which...
View Articlekindleleader on "Twenty Ten - Header Replaced by Photo in Post"
Using the Twenty Ten Theme - When you click through to a specific post away from the home page, the header changes to whatever the photo is on the post. I don't want it to do this. How do I make it...
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