I seem to be going round in circles with domain mapping.
I have a domain registered with 123-reg, "customery.co.uk". I've used their DNS tool to update the nameservers. Then I added my domain to WordPress. I updated the domain using WordPress's DNS tool to point my MX and some CNAME records to Google Apps.
Now all I want to do is ensure that http://www.customery.co.uk and http://customery.co.uk both display my WordPress blog. However, after reading the support documentation, I'm not sure if this is even possible.
Custom DNS (http://en.support.wordpress.com/domain-mapping/custom-dns) says: "We reserve control over the records that make your blog work, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally breaking it." Sounds like I should do nothing.
Mapping a Sub-Domain (http://en.support.wordpress.com/domain-mapping/map-subdomain) says: "Note that you cannot map the “www” subdomain because WordPress.com removes the “www” from all URLs." Sounds like I can't use www, which is weird... since I would have thought that's what a lot of WordPress customers want to do.
Currently, customery.wordpress.com is my primary domain (as shown in the WordPress Domain page) and I have "CNAME www customery.wordpress.com." as an entry in the DNS tool of the customery.co.uk domain. My blog page displays on http://customery.wordpress.com, http://www.customery.co.uk cannot be found and http://customery.co.uk gets redirected to 123-Reg.
Can anyone help?
Thanks, Neil