sulz on "What Did You Post in Your Blog Today?"
it's a more desperate version of the Plug Your Blog Here thread. Only direct links to posts written today, please. today i posted about...
View Articlekellyfleming on "Blog Redirect"
Hello, I was curious How I would redirect my wordpress blog to my domain. I have totally different content on my domain, when anyone where to click to go to my blog I just want them to be transferred...
View Articlekiturocks on "Coke or Pepsi"
This is a game where I will ask a question such as "Coke or Pepsi" and te next poster will answer the question and then ask a question of there own for the net poster to answer... and so on... I will...
View Articleellaella on "The Next Person game"
Anyone up for a new game? It's simple - make a statement about the next person to post. The next one answers true or false and makes a statement about the next next one. And on and on. TNP has brown...
View Articleshaun832 on "Word Association Game"
The rules are, someone says a word and you have to say the first thing that comes to your mind. eg. Person 1 says: Tree Person 2 says: Leaf Person 3 says: Green I'll start! Blog
View Articlejoshuaferris on "Google Friend Connect For US"
I am wondering if anyone has figured out how to get Google Friend Connect for users. We need to upload files to the root directory it, but of course, we are not allowed to do that? I am...
View Articlefreddiemaize on "The Banning Game"
Ok - so in your post say why you would ban the person who posted before you..... I can’t start but here are some examples *(person aboves name) banned for posting in this tread.* OR *(person aboves...
View Articlefabulousatfifty on "Never Ending Story..."
By just using 6 words each let's keep this story going... The train reached London and Carole..........................
View Articletryingtraditional on "affiliate link"
I was recently accepted into an affiliate program for jill-e bags. I tried putting their html in a txt widget on my blog. The visual show up but doesn't link through. This is my first time trying to do...
View Articlefreshcookiezblog on "Here's how to add a Tweetmeme button to your blog posts....
I would just like to share this knowledge with anyone who isn't aware. It seems that not many people are aware of this, but has implemented the Tweetmeme code onto their site. So to use it, all...
View Articlejoncooney on "new facebook won't import my blog into the Notes section"
wondering if anyone else if having trouble with the new facebook not automatically streaming your blog into the Notes section? In fact their no longer seems to be a place to tell it what blog to import.
View Articletimethief on " latest posts"
I am an experienced user of WordPress software, and I blog about becoming a better blogger, building a better blog, and effective blog promotion. is a comprehensive weblog...
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