christophersotelo on "graphics not loading and links not working properly"
my page isn't loading correctly, but i haven't made any changes to the coding of it. all i did was add a recent post. is there a reason for this?
View Articlemichaelreeder on "Also No Theme Background"
I see a few other recent threads with a similar problem... the theme background and button bars and columns are all not loading on my blog at . I have made NO recent changes to...
View Articletitusboingboing on "How to enable user registration"
Hello, Being new to WP, I'm trying to enable the setting that will allow visitors to register and create their own account. For the life of me, I cannot find this setting. I've looked around the...
View Articlecarlfutia on "hacked link on my blog"
I post on a private blog hosted by One of my "enemies" hacked the link to my public BlogSpot blog, redirecting it to some religious blog. In fact, if point my browser from anywhere...
View Articlezoo3700 on "Adding 100 authors?"
Hi, I am currently teaching a University biology course that has about 100 students . I would like each of the students to contribute to a class blog about some of the invertebrates found in the area....
View Articlecarrieonthecheap on "My RSS feed was redirected but didn't change names..."
Hi, I used to blog under I have since moved to and I went through the redirect process. My old RSS feed and my old URL have now been...
View Articlemzisrael on "How Do I Make Comments Appear BEFORE Blog Post?"
I am a new blogger with a website ( that attempts to get members of a particular synagogue in MInneapolis to engage in conversation regarding Israel. We are providing news...
View Articlemoylaniceplex on "Over-writing Media Easily?"
Alright, new here. Searched the forums and support thoroughly and didn't see anything like what I'm looking for. I have a couple of PDF files that are permanently linked from a page. Is there an easy...
View Articledcarlyle on "Clicking on tag takes me to Page "2""
I am adding tags to all posts and some tags when clicked on the posted page take me to "page 2". If the tag is "WORD" instead of being directed to a page titled "WORD" it is titled "WORD 2" and is...
View Articleryandom on "Adding separate pages to a blog entry. Is it possible?"
Hey everyone! I'm going to start including some new features in my blog that will extend each entry to a great degree. Instead of having the entry simply flow all the way from the top of the page to...
View Articleislandlass on "Links not visible"
Although on the Links page all my links are "checked visible," for some reason today on my blog "front page" they are not there. Rebooted my computer to no avail. Any thoughts? Thanks!
View Articleannafig19 on "Changing the email associated to my profile"
I've tried updating the email several times and get a statement that I'll receive an email for confirmation and that the change won't occur until that happens. The problem is I never receive the email....
View Articlepixelsvspaper on "Coraline CSS questions."
Hello all. Im considering buying the css upgrade for my blog using coraline, and i wanted to check what was possible. Just so you know i have a good knowledge of html and im currently learning css. 1)...
View Articlecolejennette on "Something is very wrong with wordpress....."
Something very weird is going on with and I can't seem to find answers. I'm not the only one having the issues (all friends using wordpress I know) and the issues include: -My embedded...
View Articleladyaeolusia on "How to add a textured bg to an individual post?"
I tried this (an attribute from an old website page) but it didn't work for me: body { background-attachment: fixed; background-image:...
View Articlelatrese41994 on "Solipsus - Displaying Incorrectly in IE"
Hi all. I've created a blog on this site for class. When I had to display my work using IE (School only uses IE) it appears as if the fonts are all large and out of whack. The formatting is just...
View Articlekevinfromcanada on "stop" appears to have something against and the excellent work it provides. The hacker has invaded blogs and contaminated hits before -- with WordPress staff off on their...
View Articlesociosound on "Embedding TimeRime to posts?"
Hi! I'm having trouble embedding code from TimeRime (a timeline tool) into my wordpress posts. To answer the first question: 1. Yes, I'm doing it in HTML mode (not Visual) On the 'edit post' screen, I...
View Articledenverlori on "New blogger's birthday! :)"
My blog is a little over a month old and has so far covered twice exceptional children, gifted children, growing old gracefully when your back is not cooperating (see Zac Efron...), and why turning 43...
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