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yellowjay on "Moods and Music"

I love WordPress, don't get me wrong. It's amazing, and better than LiveJournal (where my other blog is hosted) in ALMOST every way. The only thing keeping me there at all is the Moods and Music...

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fordlor on "Twenty Ten Theme, font changes css code"

I'm trying to decide if I want to buy the CSS upgrade. I'd like to preview it before I buy. I want to change the font on my post titles, pages, and widgets. However, I have no idea what code I should...

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dandelionpreservationsociety on "Can't log in"

My husband has a blog titled "Adam Whittington Actor" and he can't log in. He tried the forgot password link, and he still can't log in even with the new password. He would post this himself but he...

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vladkostea on "CSS Refund"

Hello! I bought a CSS Upgrade like 3 weeks ago and haven't used it at all because it is not what I thought it was. When I bought it I thought I would be able to upload a custom theme to my blog. But...

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ryanjz on "Oulipo Header Image prob in IE and Firefox"

If you view the new blog i am setting up http://ryanjz.wordpress.com in Chrome the header image is perfect. If you open the blog in IE8 or Firefox 3 and 4 beta the header image is 2px taller and...

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soundsofthecar on "How to forward subdomain?"

Hi, I have a question. I recently started up a blog (soundsofthecar.com), and I bought the domain from GoDaddy, who also gave me 90 free subdomains. In order to put these subdomains to use, I'm trying...

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orino on "Related posts in my own blog only"

I would like to be able to include a short list of related posts *from my own blog* on each post (I'm not interested in linking to/from some random blog I've never heard of, as is your only option...

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mc9268 on "Pictures Layout"

Currently, I can add only one picture at time. Is there a way to put two or three pictures side by side? Or a way to put in a different layout? Please advise. Thank you.

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fsykes on "my wordpress website lost formatting"

My wordpress website has lost all formatting. When accessed from my computer, as well as others. I have tried clearing cashe and temp files. Dsahboard will not fully load. It has lost many features....

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sementesdeatitude on "Domain Map is not working"

Hi folks, I'm from Brazil and I need to add the domain www.atitudevipal.com.br for my wordpress blog, unfortunately registro.br only accepts DNS entries for domain names that already have the dns zone...

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theredhairedcrow on "Upgrades and Domains"

I just purchased an upgrade, and I would have greatly liked a tutorial of some kind to step by step lead you through the process when you have been registered instead of simply having to ask questions...

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realagenda on "CSS changes"

I recently bought the CSS for this theme. -I loaded a header with no background, but a white one appeared anyways. Can that be changed? How? - I would like to have the grey borders of the header and...

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parcequestrian on "Steira sidebar"

Steira theme. Does the sidebar only show up for some pages? If so, I can figure out which ones. The pages with parents don't have the sidebar widgets (except for the search and info that says 'comments...

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yazarmoni on "How can l change advertisement"

l have a bad problem, because l think there is no way to solve this..in my blog page, under some posts a friendship/ girlfriend website' s advertisement appears. l dont wanna have such an advertisement...

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amypotthast on "Fishy post via email subscription"

A fishy (spammy) post came through my email subscription to our blog mrgeier.com hosted on wordpress.com. The title of the fishy blog post was 51 and a link was included in the body of the post which I...

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Multisite /w Subdomains, Directory Script"">mattyvincent on "Problem > Multisite /w Subdomains, Directory Script"

I cannot figure this out for the life of me :( The ultimate challenge? I want to use the WordPress 3.0 Multisite feature so users can create their own blog.website.com That part is easy and I can get...

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artwithpassion on "Need to know what you think."

I just posted a new blog and was wondering if I could get some input on it's content.

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fay7 on "Problems adding new users"

I have tried to add two new users this week. Both have set up WordPress.com accounts. I know that one of them activated hers. I'm not certain yet about the other one. I cannot add either one with the...

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lerrrr on "Centering your navigation menu"

http://postwittycommentshere.wordpress.com/ I need help trying to center my navigation bar; it's a little uneven on the left hand side, and I was just wondering if anybody had a code to center it? p.s....

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eviltwit on "Can't "Manage Subscriptions""

Hi - I know there have been some changes with this, so perhaps things are still being worked out. But, when I go to the "My Subscriptions" menu on the bar and get the "Manage my Subscriptions" page up,...

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