jyotsnaverma on "Organ Donation in India"
There is a critical shortage of organs and the gap between the number of organs donated and the number of patients waiting for transplant is increasing with the every passing day. Liver Transplant in...
View Articleprintmonkey on "Trying to change a Domain name nameservers"
Hi, I recently mapped a domain name Printmonkeypress.co.uk to this WordPress Blog, but now want to map it to another set of nameservers. The domain was registered originally with Easyspace, so I have...
View Articlewoubuc on "Redirect in main menu"
I have two blogs now, and I want to place in the main menu of both those blogs a link to the other. But in the main menu, only pages show up. So is there a way to make a page redirect to another blog,...
I am very grateful for the use of SoundCloud, but unfortunately there seems to be a very much younger crowd that posts music on that site. Re-Mixes of Classic Old Standards. I WANT THE OLDE STANDARDS...
View Articlelineproducer on "account Attacked Hacked Accessed by intruder who posted Ads...
Can someone please contact me. My blog has been hacked at http://filmbudgets.wordpress.com (http://filmbudgets.org) with Google Ads running on it. I don't have Google Ads. Thank you.
View Articlehaikutie on "Sidebar and Widgets Not Appearing"
Hey, guys. Sorry if this is this dumbest question ever... as you can see from my page (http://malkatz.wordpress.com,) I don't have any sidebar whatsoever. I tried adding widgets today to allow for...
View Articlerbong on "Fix: Embed Youtube video in RSS/Google Reader"
Hi everybody, (I've searched the forums for a resolved topic on this, but none were resolved so I thought I'd post this here) If your embedded Youtube videos show up as thumbnails in Google Reader, you...
View Articlejayantraj7 on "GeekFume-The ultimate Tech Geek Blog/Website"
Hi friends At last I made a Tech addict blog.It cover many tech/science related stuffs.Topics in this blog : * Tech News [Just important and interesting ones] * Tips & Tricks for Computer,gadgets...
View Articlebestknockout on "Refund my domain mapping payment?"
I shouldn't have paid for it, but I'm a newbie and wasn't sure. Can I get a refund on the mapping payment, I know it's only $12 but I don't need it so I'd like a refund. I've searched around and can't...
View Articlearmchairbibler on "Trouble making the page I need"
Hello, I want to make a page that has Topic Introductions to all my categories, so that readers can access the first of the posts on a topic and follow the train of thought from there, instead of...
View Articleadriabl on "Improve search engine"
Greetings WP.com administrators, I would propose that the search engine of blogs would improve. I've done several searches on my blog and I realized that many of the posts found for a search are...
View Articlemorecultureinyoghurt on "My links not visible"
Hi there My dashboard advises the links I have added are VISIBLE, however, they are not. Can you fix this? Many thanks
View Articleclubw71 on "Clipped descender of headertext"
http://clubw71.wordpress.com/ Hello, we use a standard-style-CSS. >Description: A flexible and clean two-column theme with a pen on top. >Version: 1.0-wpcom Our header shows the clubw71-Logo and...
View Articlemetakunst on "exclude function for gallery"
Hi I'am user of my own little wordpress blog and I have a problem. If I want to add a gallery into my article, the gallery automatically contains all images I used for the article. Is it possible to...
View Articleyangchu on "Redirect from one WordPress.com site to another WordPress.com?"
I would like to redirect all traffic that goes to http://bowlbyspeaks.wordpress.com to http://mcraymond.wordpress.com. The former site I now consider inactive, but for anybody still visiting there,...
View Articlesophiesbeautypage on "facebook"
I have added facebook to my sharing page on my dashboard but i cant see the link to my blog on facebook does anyone know where I can look to see it
View Articlemusecatcher on "My Background Changed To Black!"
The color of my blog background has just changed to black. Is this a known glitch????
View Articlemoneyedpoliticians on "Publish button"
WHY do you not present an "Are you sure" question when the user hits the "Publish" button??? I have occasionally ACCIDENTALLY published documents days early, and there is no way of undoing it. It would...
View Articlehallluke on "Styling WordPress' Google Ads"
Just a quick preface: I don't mind having advertisements displayed to the few people who read my single posts when not logged in to WordPress. I pay for the Custom CSS upgrade on a few of my blogs and...
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