datasports on "Do I need custom CSS upgrade to..."
Hi folks. I'm very new to WordPress but I've been a software developer or architect on a variety of technologies for about 15 years now and I'm familiar (not expert) with the concepts of HTML, CSS, and...
View Articlequippies on "How to show blog posts without the titles?"
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie at this and I hope I can get some help! I looked in the wordpress support and haven't found exactly what I'm trying to do. I need my blog to be short and sweet, just a list...
View Articlemahmudfaisal on "An Error in WP coding that I felt"
I was trying to use WP in my self hosted blog yesterday. I did it. And while I was creating new users for the blog, it worked nicely as it should be. But there it is told and expected that the NEW USER...
View Articlequippies on "How to show blog posts WITHOUT titles?"
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie at this and I hope I can get some help! I looked in the wordpress support and haven't found exactly what I'm trying to do. I need my blog to be short and sweet, just a list...
View Articletheaccuratebluebook on "Can I remove everything on my homepage except for...
I want my site to look like a website and not a blog. Therefore I would like everything on the side panel of my homepage removed except for "log in." I want everything removed that is listed under...
View Articlemaionknight on "Unlimited (or limited) postings under a single page"
Hi, does anyone know how i can create numerous postings under a single page blog? the current default settings only allows one post on a single page and shows all new postings under the home tab. The...
View Articletheheartopener on "Ordering of sub-pages"
Hi, I am having problem with ordering of subpages. If I am to run the subpages with numbers, till the number 9, it takes the order but the moment I start with number 10, it comes after number 1 instead...
View Articlerichardwillyams on "add widget to page"
hello, I want to add wp auction widget to my page. Is this possible? plz help me?
View Articlesylvainevaucher on "Sam @ 85ideas"
Before I buy the CSS customisation for my blog I would know if I can change the background color of the picture who is green in black, or simply delate the background, and leave it only in black. Is it...
View Articlejwillgoose on "modifying post / header background colour?"
Hi there I'm using the Twenty Ten theme and want to change the main post and header background colours to a light brown, and the text therefore to white. I've tried changing all the 'color' tags I can...
View Articlestanciusf on " Widget Cannot Save New Code"
In the Widget, I clear the default code: <embed src="" width="0" height="0" wmode="transparent"...
View Articlepoppy8sd on "PRESSROW...What to Do...What to Do..."
Originally looked for blog provider on another host in case mine failed --when hosts were dropping weekly. First I looked at WP's themes, not realizing there were two (dot org, dot com) platforms. When...
View Articlejohnwolfearthlinknet on "Remove logo from NotesIL"
Is there a way to remove the cross logo in the banner of the NotesIL theme? Thanks. John
View Articleterrito on "Comments that aren't spam"
Help-all of the sudden one of my Author's comments go directly to spam. The Author just has to email me to say they have posted another one. Then I have to fish it out of spam and posted. Any ideas?
View Articletvnight on "author tagging?"
Is there a way for me to 'tag' an author for a post. For example, I want to credit authors for their posts...but I am the one doing the posting/uploading. Is it better to have the author upload and...
View Articlesallybr on "Index of posts.... getting messed up"
Good morning... I am sure this is a simple thing to solve, but for some reason the more I mess with it, the worse it gets. I finally decided to make a page with an index of all my recipes, each one...
View Articlesine365 on "Transfer template and menu and pages" I want to use this template,menu and pages to this website Can I do this and how. Thanks by advance oli
View Articlecfca on "Why are blog subscribers not getting RSS feed?"
Some blog subscribers are letting us know that they have not been getting our RSS feed since August, even though we've been publishing blog posts at least twice a week. Could anyone help? Thanks!
View Articlekristinfromintellogist on "Links in e-mail notifications broken - incorrectly...
Hi, We have a lot of e-mail subscribers. We are hearing that when our subscribers receive a notification e-mail about a new post and try to click the link to go to the new post, they will get a "page...
View Articlefrazzledfoodie on "Hits more than page views?"
I have searched around and not found the answer to why I have so many more hits on my counter than I do page views. I'm surprised it's not the other way around? Doesn't hits count unique visitors (per...
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