selenaqueenoftejano on "add another language"
Is there a way to add another language to site? I want to make it so others can read it in their language.
View Articlenicolemcampos on "Edit Post screen loading BLANK"
Hello - I am inquiring regarding a blog I work on at my job, where as of this morning we are unable to edit blog posts due to a blank screen showing up every time we click "Edit" on published entries:...
View Articlepslager on "Ordered List getting published wrong"
Hi, Hopefully someone can help me with this annoying problem I am having. I publish my WordPress Articles using Microsoft Word 2010. I have published a ton of articles already using this method with no...
View Articlevioletness on "Parse Error on Post View"
I get this error when I click on my post title to view it as a page: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?' in /home/vanessa/public_html/wp-content/themes/three-column-colorfull/single.php on line...
View Articlenovationsinternal on "author tracks"
we want to be able to configure our blog with individualized "tracks" for authors. I presume the Authors Widget gets that done, but I wanted some confirmation/information. For example,...
View Articleharrythehandyman on "dates are wrong on 2 posts"
i published 2 posts and the dates are wrong on my front page i drafted these posts a week ago , how can i change the date
View Articleivey2 on "moving to"
Hi, if I move my blog over to, do I keep the same url? Ivey
View Articleballadeer on "My exclusive interview with college sports star Eileen O'Reilly"
It's posted at my blog:
View Articlekjsadler on "Blog post titles"
Hi I cannot get my post titles to show with the blog posts on the main page. They used to be there, now they're gone and I'm not sure why. Thoughts? Thanks KJ
View Articlesohamgupta on "Humanitarian Photography in India"
This blog deals with several humanitarian issues in India.
View Articletrvlkid on "Still can't view posts"
I guess I must be slower than I thought. I have read as much as I can about setting up my blog but I seem unable to do the following at I would like to have a page or...
View Articlecrookedladder on "Crookedladder's Quirks of a PC Gamer."
Heya, I'm new to blogging, but I just started up my blog Crookedladder's Quirk's of a PC Gamer, a blog dedicated to the growing industry of PC gaming, and I think it is to the point where if you look...
View Articlemondobalordo on "CSS text align"
Hi, I'm looking for the right CSS code to justify the text for all my posts. I see there is a button in the editor advanced toolbar, but I was looking for the code to justify all the old posts at once....
View Articlenijma on "can't insert image using small screen netbook"
I can no longer insert images into a post using my Asus Eee PC netbook with the 10-inch screen. The images upload just fine, but when I try to insert them, the editor goes out to lunch and doesn't come...
View Articlecountrycinderella on "subscribing, email info"
I have a question about subscribing to blogs and the email information. I have noticed that if I go to my blog stats I can check to see who is actively subscribing to my blog. It does not give me their...
View Articlegoofballcommittee on "Post Calendar" I think this has been mentioned before on the forums but I really think some type of post calender that appears on the dashboard or under the Posts tab would be...
View Articlefuntimebirdy on "Links not Showing since Category cloud"
Hello, I just noticed that my links on my blog are not there. I believe it is ever since the category cloud was introduced Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks Mark FunTime Birdy
View Articlehiphopsociety on "CSS Drop down menu"
I need to turn my category menu into a drop down menu. The layout before had it, but this new layout i have no clue how to do this. Ive googled and looked up websites on how to do it and nothing works...
View Articlecfventure on "Pages out of order in header"
On my blog: The pages are out of order in the header. I numbered all of the pages correctly, as you can tell by the fact that they're properly ordered in the widget....
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