nofear2010 on "Blogger Email Address Security"
Hi! New to wordpress and blogging. This blog was set up so that employees can vent their frustrations and say it like it is without the employer discovering who they are. Is there any way that someone...
View Articleshyseraphim on "Posting to friends on MSN"
When I was switching over to WordPress from MSN Live Spaces, it asked me if I wanted to post new updates back to my friends. I wasn't sure originally if I wanted to do that, but now I'd like to. I've...
View Articleconcentracion on "No entiendo nada de nada"
Es el segundo intento que hago, y no puedo encontrar la solución. Deseo escribir un comentario y no encuentro el lugar donde supuestamente me lo muestran en "ayuda", cuando elijo el lenguaje, tengo que...
View Articleshibuyaseven on "privacy"
hi. i found that if my friend want to view my blog, i need to send invitation and they need to become a member of wordpress...... (i don't want to change my blog to 'public') ....can i move my blog...
View Articlesoundsofthecar on "Help with mapping domain?"
So here's the deal: I spent 4 hours today trying to convert my blog ( to (using to no avail. Frustrated, I deleted the account and...
View Articlemclendonj21 on "HOW DO I ..... get my blog order to change"
I want my blogs to show up in natural order. The first one being on top and the second falling below that (not above like it automatically does) and so forth. In the support tab is says to hover over...
View Articlemarkel on "Did you just move here from Live Spaces? Welcome!"
Hello! Earlier today, we announced with Microsoft that is the upgrade path for those users who are on Windows Live Spaces. We're already seeing a lot of you on and using the...
View Articleecreativa on "Trouble seeing my blogs"
I can not see any of my blogs, or even access the control panel. Can you help with this? Thanks
View Articlemkleephoto on "New Photo Blog..."
I just created a fun site to share a bit of my work with others who might be interested in fashion and portrait photography.
View Articleskyblue456 on "freeflashtoys short codes"
<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0...
View Articlegreencollared on "Help creating a content blog page with contributors, news...
Is there a theme/template to have a content blog with daily news posts, multiple contributors with individual profiles that provide articles and content? As an amateur I'm incapable of writing my own...
View Articlerealundergroundkool on "Sex, drugs, violence and keepin' it real"
So, I was just kidding about the "sex, drugs, and violence" thing (sorry if I got your hopes up). Although, I really do try to keep it real. Check out my blog where you can see my crappy sketches and...
View Articlesuperrose on "My Blog" News Korean band Super Junior Welcome <3<3
View Articletriajuce on "Stats are not visible"
Hello I was checking out the 'brand new features' in IE9 being at a blog. If I am not wrong one of the features beside pinning the blog was the ability of " quickly access links to their...
View Articleakpegr on "embed shoutcast stream into website"
Hello everyone I'm trying to set up a webradio blog, and I'd like to know if there is any way I could have a player (either on a post or on an html widget) which streams a shoutcast webradio on a blog...
View Articleliuxiaoliu on "Why "you must be an adult to share this information"?"
When I started to move my posts from MSN space to, in step 1, I came across: [Welcome back to To get started importing your Windows Live Spaces content, click the button...
View Articlechinacharli on "Unable to migrate photo library from Live Space"
Hi All, I have just migrated from my MSN LIVE SPACE to WordPress but notcied that the photo library and pictures are not migrated. In WordPress, How can I migrate my Photo Sets and pictures from MSN...
View Articlelilmaouz on ""Did you just move here from Live Spaces? Welcome!""
Hello! This sounds very nice, but... it doesn't work :p See this topic onto the french forum: Vlog Vide → (Empty Blog)
View Articlelilmaouz on ""Did you just move here from Live Spaces? Welcome!""
Hello! This sounds very nice, but... it doesn't work :p See topic onto the french forum: Blog Vide → (Empty Blog) Sorry :s
View Articlebaconpirates on "Helicopter Parents at Dear Old U-V-A"
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