ninanoki777 on "check if post title exists"
how to check (during publishing new post) if such title exists? i don't want duplicate content to be posted by users.
View Articleninanoki777 on "how to reoreder posts by custom mysql table field"
i'd like to sort posts by a mysql table field from a some rating plugin (gdstarrating) to display the highest average rating at the top of search results.
View Articlemorichan on "create an extra sidebar on some pages"
I've designed my website and want to make it by using wordpress 2.9, the theme I am to modify is Zenlite 2.2.. I choose it, because I think it looks most alike my desired theme. But since I am very new...
View Articlemuthusaravananmca on "cannot access my blog"
Hai I created a blog with the url If i type the above url i can see the message as Sorry, the blog is not available I redirected...
View Articleckolling on "email subscriptions not working"
I created a new blog post last night, and did not get email notification that it has been updated. I checked with 3 other people that get emails containing the entire blog post/pictures normally nearly...
View Articlelookitsbray on "Robotic Vagina (GIVING BIRTH)"
I`m not kidding...
View Articlerealagenda on "Adding different image to each page site"
How do I find the page-id of each of the pages in my site so I can use the below code h1.title {background-image:url("IMAGE-URL"); text-indent:-999em; height:###px; width:###px;...
View Articlefanghe on "a problem in photos gallery"
[ Problem? Looks like you have a problem here sir/madam. You sure you have the right place? Maybe you got a little lost? Maybe you're looking for something you're not supposed to find? Either way, just...
View Articleimspeshl on "welcome to live spacers"
I have read most of the comments about this transfer and tried to leave one , lots of people loved spaces myself included, it was much more personal and not so cluttered as WP which, if I may say , has...
View Articlericecake on "Custom 404 Page"
While the standard 404 page text is cute, it's really not what I want to have on my site. How do we modify this text to something more grownup? eh? Thanks, Julie
View Articlechadkallauner on "How can I add menus to top of site?"
I have tried to add menus under "appearance>menus," but they are not showing up on my blog. Any suggestions? I have followed the tutorial but that hasn't helped.
View Articleinventorysystemsoftware on "How do I alphabetize tags in a post?"
The tags at the bottom of my blog posts aren't in alphabetical order. Instead, they are in the order I typed them in when I published the posts. How can I put the tags in alphabetical order?
View Articlemaotouc on "import downloaded file to wordpress"
I failed to migrating live space to wordpress, and now my live space is no longer available. But I have downloaded my live space. I found each entry is an HTML file. How can I import these file to...
View Articleluddek on "Import blogger xml on local server"
I'm trying to import a blogger xml to wordpress on my local server but I can't find the option of importing a xml-file. So I created a test blog hosted on, and there I see the option of...
View Articlebaldeguy56 on "How can I get out of WordPress and return to Live Spaces?"
Okay, I'm a newbie to blogging. Simple when I blogged through Live Spaces, but that lame editer in WordPress scrambles up my text and will not allow me to edit it correctly. I just want to get the hell...
View Articleultim8shopping on "Adding a new page"
I recently added a new page to my blog, the problem being, that i have a home page & an about me page but there are now no tabs at the top of the home page to select one or the other ( it did have...
View Articleseniorassistedliving on "no background tab under appearance"
Whenever I selected a theme to use. I was able to change the background image of my blog by going to "Appearances" and selecting the "Background" tab. No matter which theme I use I noticed that the tab...
View Articleseniorassistedliving on "no background tab under "appearance" options"
Whenever I selected a theme to use. I was able to change the background image of my blog by going to "Appearances" and selecting the "Background" tab. No matter which theme I use I noticed that the tab...
View Articletileeba on "Re-directing domain names"
Greetings! I am new to WordPress, and there is a topic about domain names that I don't quite understand. I own a domain name that starts with "www" and ends with "". Is it possible to have it...
View Articlebeforethecoffee on "image caption is aligned center"
I'm trying to get my image captions to align left rather than center. The caption box from the HTML editor shows this: [caption id="attachment_1010" align="alignnone" width="887" caption="Black and...
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