alan061977 on "Upload a document"
How do i upload a document, say a pdf? Is there a glossary of terms (TAG, Right Stuff) How do I shorten (abbreviate) a post, leaving a short message directing the reader to look in a particular...
View Articlewiserthanweknowittest on "removing category archives link in Coraline"
I am using Coraline to publish a book in wordpress. Above my header picture is a single link with one of my categories as the link title. I am struggling to work out why it is there and how I would...
View Articlefckdupathens on "The Official bring back Adolf Campaign..."
It's well overdue and I'm probably not the right man for the job but it's about time it started. Let's forgive and forget and all give Adolf another chance starting here and now......
View Articlefckdupathens on "fckdup bloggers wanted..."
Hi everyone, I'm looking to network and help promote some fckdup blogs online. I'm a British expat in Greece, looking to network and add some stuff to my new site which will be online shortly...
View Articlegjerms on "Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_multisite()"
can somebody help me with this problem? after upgrade this message appears on my site: Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_multisite() in /usr/home/web/wno104658/wp-includes/capabilities.php on...
View Articleryanwhitney on "Want Feeds To Show Images"
I'm trying to get feeds to show images, but can't figure out a way. The only settings I see for feeds are under 'Reading' ... For each article in a feed, show For each article in a feed, show -Full...
View Articlesusangpyp on "Offsite Redirect"
I would love to use Offsite Redirect since my traffic has been cut in half with my move to self-hosted. However, I want to retain access to my old blog posts and comments. I did the import/export a few...
View Articledicot50 on "Have a set of numbered pages on each page"
I am not sure what this is called but I have seen a sample of what I want to do: At the bottom of the page, you can go to page 2, 3, 4, etc. How is it done? Thanks.
View ArticleHome - missing"">mostovljanin on "Pages > Home - missing"
I have somehow managed to remove "Home" (link to the blog, to the homepage) from my "Pages" widget. I can't see it on the homepage and can't see it in my widgets' sidebar. I've been searching through...
View Articlesandccap on "Clicking category link leaves me with dead 'more' '...' link"
On my site at when you click on the category list (i.e. positive vibes) you're taken to the post-summary page (I only have one post up right now). The title is linked to the full post...
View Articlebaconpirates on "The American "Huh?""
View Articlerefinedpromise on "Reset Viewer Stats"
Hello, I am new to Due to setting up my first wordpress blog, I had no idea that my views would have such an effect on my stats making them inaccurate (I was not signed in). I will like...
View Articledowntownperceptions on "FACEBOOK Problem"
For some reason I thought you could apply your facebook page to your blog on widgets, that way readers can find you on facebook. I do not have a facebook widget to drag and drop into my possible widget...
View Articleavivsky on "adding tags"
Hi, How can I add tags or change the category of an old post without it being resent (if that's the rigth word) to my rss subscribers? I added tags to an old post, updated it and it appeared in my...
View Articlewpalank on "Changing my url on my Gravatar"
My blog site was created using using a 3rd Party livebooks who host my main site. In their infinite wisdom they decided not to allow a Gravatar widget within the user profile of my...
View Articlecentria on "Stats go up and down"
I have noticed (for several days) that my blog hits go up and down. Sometimes they appear frozen, even though comments are coming in and people are obviously stopping by. A few minutes ago the stats...
View Articlelargles on "How to cahnge URL/Site name?"
I've looked on google and your forums but it hasn't showed up with anything. I want to replace the "largles" With another word for my URL, but 'm having trouble figuring out how to, HELP!
View Articleozannie on "Lost my site :("
I'm self-confess "know nothing about WordPress", but a guy I engaged to do a website for me was setting it up in WordPress, demonstrated it (a half finished site) to me, and left me to it and said I...
View Articlevschafer on "How to insert a table?"
Is it possible/easy to insert a table in my page? My blog address is:
View Articlemaxiethemaniac on "Where is my "Appearance" section ?"
Can someone please tell me how I can have an "Appearances" section on the left hand side of the page? All I see now is "Dashboard", with a drop down menu, but which does not include "Appearance". I am...
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