mickverran on "favicon"
Excuse the lack of technical understanding/language, but am I right in thinking that I can't apply a favicon to my blog unless I export the software to where I have the url hosted, and then assume...
View Articlemickverran on "Website templates"
Hi I was staggered by how easy it was to set up a blog using WordPress. Anyone know of a similar source that would enable me to set up a full website, including eg chat forums, document posting etc etc...
View Articleservicemasterinterns on "Change Font of Header Links, Headlines, Widgets"
Hello--I'm using PressRow and I have purchased the CSS upgrade. I'd like to change the font of my header links, headlines, and widget text to Franklin Gothic Demi. How can I do this?
View Articleiverkeche on "green card"
je me suis trompé sur le remplissage de mes formulaires dsp-122 et ds-230 suite à mon impérfection de la langue anglaise et je souhaite si le KCC me permettera de refaire remplir mes formulaires à l...
View Articleiverkeche on "green card"
was wrong about filling my forms DSP-122 and DS-230 after my imperfect English and I wish if the KCC will allow me to re-fill my forms to the Embassy Algiers.
View Articlemickverran on "setting up a full website"
Hi I was staggered by how easy it was to set up a blog using WordPress (thanks also to those who answered a couple of appearance questions!). Anyone know of a similar source that would enable me to set...
View Articlechrisgibbons90 on "Twenty-ten Theme Header Border Colour Change"
I am currently setting up a new website for my Society at university using WordPress. I am using the WordPress Twenty-ten theme and have had a few problems. I have been uploading our logo as the...
View Articlehaltseven on "Twenty Ten: Header Image Randomly Changed = hacked?"
I'm using the Twenty Ten theme on this blog. I haven't bothered to create a custom header yet and, until today, I've just kept the header image as the one that came when I first installed the theme -...
View Articlethenameipicked on "Polls across all pages"
I am looking to put a voting system, where users can vote on each post, and be able to sort each post according to its rating. How is this possible?
View Articlethediminishingcircle on "Amazon links"
Hi, I've just copied over my blog from blogspot, you can imagine why anyone would do that, and, ok, I can't do adsense, but much of the humor and meaning of the blog is contained in the Amazon links....
View Articlericksis on "3.0.1 on free blogs?"
Hey, I wanna ask if the WordPress 3.0.1 files I can download from the site work with my free blog. This URL right here (http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress#Detailed_Instructions) tells me...
View Article3delamadrugada on "Audio player, can it play automatically?"
hello, I´d like to know if there´s any way to make an audio player be played when a page in which it is is opened. is that possible? thank you.
View Articletoddeverett on "My blog has no theme -- any more"
I've lost the theme coding on my WordPress page. Of course, it's also gone from the WordPress home page, so maybe it's a temporarily aberration?
View Articleaflacideas on "how do you edit the non- "style.css"..!!!"
This theme comes with 5 style sheets. Style, Reset, grey, global, cluetip, and admin-bar.css. The editor only lets me edit STYLE.CSS, but thats not what I want to do. I want to edit the others, they...
View Articleoldrow on "user generated blog site"
I am looking to start a blog that functions similarly to http://totalfratmove.com I like the design and layout and the ability to have anonymous users post but the ability to review the posts before...
View Articlehumax3 on "Image upload error?"
The image I was to upload meets to secruity guidelines. It's a jpeg image and only 638KB. Is there something else that could've breached the guidelines? Thanks in advance.
View Articlecantueso on "draft picture much better than published version"
It happened before with photos that they would look sharp in the draft version of the post and look fuzzy in the published post, but I let it go because if the viewer clicked on the photo to see it...
View Articlelgoodacre on "show comments on Depo Masthead"
I use Depo Masthead for my blog. I'm quite happy with it, except that I'd like to have the option of showing the comments by default. There aren't so many comments on my blog typically, so they...
View Articlesharky30 on "Post box"
I want my recent posts on my front page to only show a certain number of lines, then I would like readers to have to click to view the entire post. I have looked through every setting and cannot find...
View Articleskylarhope on "Another reason I may just become a nun...feedback please.."
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