majag on "Password-protected posts visible to everyone"
What has happened? Suddenly everyone can read my password-protected posts in their RSS-reader. What do I do about it?
View Articleadrianmladin on "theme language...."
hi :D i have mono-lab theme, ok my blog is not self-hosted (it was easy to do what i want....)... its but is there any posibility to change the language of the theme, because i want to...
View Articleatomicgator on "Since it's August we're starting our back to school theme"
Find out why college is soooooo Awesome. come on by Atomic Gator
View Articlepatozore on "url to archives in menu"
Hi, I'm getting a simple problem. my blog has as home page a page like 'myhomepage', I created a menu with different url to specific other pages. Now I want to have in this menu the url to all archives...
View Articlesvetka812 on "Avatars do not show in a Chatroll plagin - how to fix?" avatars of signed in users do not show. What do I do to fix it?
View Articlelitsnit on "Where is the domain administration link??"
We registered our blog through WP and are now trying to redirect it. Everything says click 'domain administration' but it's not under any of our accounts! (There are three people on this blog.) Someone...
View Articlelitsnit on "Where is the domain administration link??"
We registered our blog through WP and are now trying to redirect it. Everything says click 'domain administration' but it's not under any of our accounts! (There are three people on this blog.) Someone...
View Articlenatinanorton on "Greyzed Theme Issues with Links"
I've started up another blog with the Greyzed page theme and have noticed an error with adding links. Adding the name and website address is fine, but when you add the description - which is suppose to...
View Articleiowamrs70 on "Referrers in Stats"
People clicked links from these pages to get to your blog. Under referrers how do people click my link in a totally unrelated website that I didn't put my link in. For example: People clicked links...
View Articleharrythehandyman on "related blogs and links"
why would i not be getting any related links in my posts and related blogs on the front page , am i missing something :)
View Articlereneewriter65 on "Blog Icon"
I've uploaded a pic of the blog icon I want but am still unsure as to where this will appear. I was under the impression the little thumbnail would appear every time I published a new post. So would...
View Articlestarkyookami on "How to set a Home Page?"
How can I set a home page for my blog? In which it just explains about the blog, and what to see in the blog?
View Articlegamerla on "Plugins ain't there?"
Ain't plugins available here? If its there where is it available?
View Articlegiantqtipz on "Link category to page, must add space after title = two links?"
heres my blog. so i want to create a page called soundtracks and link myy soundtracks category to it so it will display all my posts when people click on it. now i know...
View Articlethisisyourbrainonpink on "This is your brain on pink - shameless plug!"
Let me introduce my new blog - 'cause that's what the world needs, more blogs. I really don't sleep much (how I miss sleep). I'm that person lying awake at four a.m. recalling plots from 80's sitcoms....
View Articlemagdabis on "'latest comments' widget for iNove"
Hi I'm setting up new blog useing iNove but "latest comments" widget doesn't seem to be available for it. Any ideas? Thanks
View Articlekcryeland on "Have a look at my updated pages!"
Hi everyone I just spent the whole of yesterday afternoon putting some photos in my pages to break up the swathes of print. Have a look, see what you think.
View Articlemickyoung41 on "Category posts"
Hi Guys, I am having a problem and hope someone can help? I have a category named articles, when I post an new article to the category it also shows up on my main post page, is there anyway I can post...
View Articlecolltales on "PRIORITIZING POSTS"
Dear Support, Has that issue of prioritizing posts, regardless of their date, being resolved? I saw a forum on the issue that was closed two years ago, and the last word on it was that it was not...
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