hjfalk on "website migration"
I have an existing website which I want to migrate to wordpress, can anyone help me figure out how to do that please.
View Articlegsswanson on "Blogger Authorization Failed"
I tried importing my blog from blogger, and it says "Authorization Failed!" I've tried it several times and it says that if the problem persists, give this information to support: HTTP/1.0 403 Invalid...
View Articlewindwhistle on "WordPress stats and web bug blocker"
I'm a blog stat freak (love 'em!), but also a privacy freak. I recently learned about web bugs and added the "Ghostery" add-on to my Firefox browser to block them. Is this going to interfere with my...
View Articleperfectonlyinherimperfections on "Blog subscription."
http://oneyearselfharmfree.wordpress.com/ Hey there, Before I start, I know where is a blog subscription widget, I was just wondering if there was something I could add to my page to encourage more...
View Articlecenterforfinancialinclusion on "Concern about some of the content on your blog"
Hello, Our organization's blog received the following message on the dashboard: "We have a concern about some of the content on your blog. Please click here to contact us as soon as possible to resolve...
View Articlenewsdzezimbabwe on "My new blog"
check out my first blog about my life and news. thanks
View Articlenewsdzezimbabwe on "My new blog"
check out my first blog about my life and news. thanks http://newsdzezimbabwe.wordpress.com/
View Articledefinitelytheopera on "Inuit theme home page: the problem of no images"
Hi everyone -- What can I do to include the thumbnails of images and the first few sentences of posts in the home page blog feed in the Inuit theme? Can't find where to change this anywhere.
View Articlegravatar-user on "Locked out of my freebie WP.com blog"
I started a freebie blog in November 2008 on WordPress.com. Link is here: http://macheadcase.wordpress.com/ Last post I made was mid-May 2010. I noticed about a week ago that I wasn't logged in anymore...
View Articlepslager28 on "Deleted mapped Domain"
Hi I purchased a domain name paulslager.com and in my attempts to get things working when I transferred from wordpress.com to wordpress.org I deleted the domain mapping and now it wants me to...
View Articleblissrequirescarefulplanning on "A catgorical question"
I want to fill my categories with information/postings/articles I have written -- before I go live. Can I do this WITHOUT having it appear on my main screen as a post -- there will just be too many and...
View Articlemorethanthecurve on "Fatal Error after Update"
my blog is www.morethanthecurve.com. When I updated to the latest version I began to receive a fatal error on both the admin and actual website. There error is: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class...
View Articlerpregulman on "Coraline"
I know this is a very basic question but I'm new to wordpress so bear with me. I'm trying to find where I can download the Coraline theme. I did a search for it but nothing showed up, and it didn't...
View Articleclaytondunmore on "The Hottest diss record of the...
We have all our money on Riley for these battles.....Ofcourse our writing squad consists of Clayt so it only makes sense.......You can hear Clayt beat boxing and chatting on the song plus Riley spits...
View Article19nacho80 on "Admins: I need your help"
Hi, In first place sorry for my english, I know it's from hell lol Somebody makes a wordpress with a false text about my company, somebody can delete it please? The url is this:...
View Articlediviweb on "Domain Mapping Service - Administration"
Hi there! What does really happen when I map my existing domain to my wordpress blog? I ask this because when I called my domain provider this afternoon to update the domain´s name servers he said that...
View Articlehcfamass on "Make custom header image clickable / linked to site"
Hi, I'm trying to make it so that my blog's header (blog.hcfama.org) is clickable to our original site (hcfama.org). Is there a way to do this? It is a matter of going into the css and trping header...
View Articlepattinsonstateofmind on "Blog Theme and Loss of Widgets"
Just went into my dashboard and my blog theme has changed and all my widgets are missing. I am the only with admin access and I made no changes. Any ideas what happened?
View Articlepslager28 on "Wordpress.com to WordPress.org"
Hi, I recently had my site with WordPress.com. I purchased a domain name with WordPress.com and realized wordpress.com kind of sucks because you cant customize that much stuff. So I purchased web...
View Article3delamadrugada on "custom the `` text"
hi there, I´d like to know if I can custom the text that is automatically displayed when you add the <!--more--> in spanish it says Continuar leyendo -> but I´d like it to say something...
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