makvoice on "Keeping my footer at the bottom of my page"
I am attempting to move the footer form the upper right side of my pages to the bottom and for it to contain my contact us, terms of us, privacy, site map etc. Can someone help me with this. I am an...
View Articlebclifecoach on "participation"
How can I find other bloggers with similar interests to exchange ideas with?
View Articlearchimedesthedog on "Oversized WordPress icon in the topbar"
There is an oversized version of the WordPress "W" icon appearing for me in the top bar (gray bar across the very top of the browser window with "My account, My Blog, Blog info" across it and the...
View Articlealtonwoods on "tag surfer"
I've noticed some changes to the tag surfer option, is this permanent or temporary? Could someone explain or refer me to someplace that might?
View Articlesonny1993 on "Help with Feedback Script"
I have tried to set up a feedback script from codecanyon, however I have 2 problems with it. 1) It doesn't appear above my wordpress background 2) When you scroll down the box will appear because the...
View Articlesvghenry on "New Fiction Blog"
Hello WordPress forum readers! I have started a new blog which will have a new chapter posted in a fiction story I've written based in the (admitedly nerdy) Legend of Zelda universe. No knowledge of...
View Articlesnjeung on "Deleting comments all at once..?"
is there any way you can delete ALL comments on a blog all at once?
View Articlepaultimoce on "Privacy Settings Error"
My blog is somehow made private even though I didn't do it... I checked the privacy settings and they are not on private... The blog should normally be accesible to everyone... Can you help... When I...
View Articleblissrequirescarefulplanning on "Finding my Member Name"
I click on my member name to see my posts. But where else except within one of my posts can I find my member name? A little difficult to find...thanks
View Articleprofitsforpartners on "I just lost my widgets display and most of my themes -...
For some reason, my wordpress blog site just stopped displaying the widgets, my gravatar, archives, links, etc. My theme has also switched to something else. Not sure what happended. Any ideas? Thanks
View Articlescotttrabucco on "Making Parent Page"
Hey all, I need help making posts go to certain pages on my website. Whenever I make a new post it automatically goes to the home page, I want it to go to a different page. How do I do that? Thanks!
hello support. i see a strange button on the place where the edit should be visible? how comes? anyone there plz be able to repair this "suddenly" - so "coincidentaly" - "happening" - happening? i say:...
View Articlejimmygzon on "Using .se domain with wordpress blog"
I wonder if it is possible to use my ".se" domain with a wordpress blog. The very reason i want to use wordpress is that you can have so many nice looking templates and cool looks for your blog. And in...
View Articlestockpickscom on "wp-admin/includes/user.php Hacker?"
Today I downloaded a copy of wordpress from the website to upload to my hosting server. I keep getting an error that reads: "Warning:...
View Articletremainq on "Problem with Coraline theme"
I have applied the new theme as directed, and it is a mess. I first applied it to our test blog ( - with the same content and stylesheet - and while there were some...
View Articlemilhouse4588 on "Latest posts not at top of page"
So an hour or two ago (it's not a little past 4pm Eastern time) my newest blog posts started not showing up at the top of the page on my blog. They now are posting at the bottom of the page which makes...
View Articleantonyjwaller on "Sort Stories"
Hi, I write short stories. I have redesigned my website "Stories by Northern Light" and now looking for readers and feedback. I hope you will pay my site a visit.
View Articleapgintel on "lost preset colors of Monochrome"
I activated "monochrome" to my blog and attempted to edit CSS (change font used). When I hit Save and viewed the new blog, the font changed but I lost all the pre-set colors of the monochrome theme...
View Articlebe78 on "Unable to register for forums on wordpress.ORG"
For the past 24 hours, I have been unable to register for the forums on wordpress.ORG. I'm told I'll receive a password via email, but it never arrives. I doubt there's a problem with my email address...
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