hevelonline on "text widget links problems"
hi, i got a problem with links that i put in the text widget. from the homepage the links are redirecting as they should but from the post pages it not working. i have tried relative and absolute url...
View Articledrmathochist on "pingback problems"
Today I made the post http://unapologetic.wordpress.com/2010/08/10/completeness-of-boolean-rings/ with links to the posts http://unapologetic.wordpress.com/2010/08/04/boolean-rings/...
View Articlednewby01 on "category links"
I have set up my categories, and have them displayed on a side bar category menu and also under each relevant post. When I click on the side bar category name, it shows all the other posts using that...
View Articlelance on "Cutline to Coraline FAQs"
Thanks to everyone for your feedback on Coraline. We understand that this change took some of you by surprise, and that was not our intention. We know that you care deeply about your sites, and we...
View Articlestolarzsisters on "blog looks scrambled in Internet Explorer, but normal in...
I have had my blog for over a year, and haven't had any problems with this...but yesterday, I made a post, and then my blog appeared scrambled in Internet Explorer- but normal in Mozilla Firefox. The...
View Articleskylarhope on "photo shoot question completely off topic"
I live in new york and I was wondering if anyone knows a way to get a free photoshoot done. Im trying to create a facebook page for my blog to begin advertising and I think real photos (as opposed to...
View Articleskshoyeb on "Google Adsense in Bueno"
Hi, I have Bueno theme applied to my blog i.e, http://glumchums.wordpress.com/ From many days, I ddnt observed that Google Ads appear below or somewhere around my posts. Because I always enter the blog...
View Articlebhoomplay on "Is Donate button from Paypal still available?"
Hi everyone, I want to add donate button from Paypal on my blog and I've been reading through several posts but I can't find what other people said. I've tried to follow this page...
View Articlejameskll on "Can't Update Page Status, Can't Erase Page, Can't Update Content...
I have a self hosted installation of WP v3.0.1 - I haven't added any plugins recently and haven't made any changes... which is why this problem is very odd. Anyways, I tried adding a page to my blog...
View Articlelisamichele on "New option toolbar problem/annoyance"
We used to have the WP option toolbar that followed us through WP almost invisibly, where you had to scroll to get back up to it (My Account, Dashboard etc) This new option bar scrolls up and down with...
View Articleretirejimmoran on "Transferring header to new theme"
I'm trying to switch to the new Coraline theme. Currently I'm using PressRow. When I click preview for Coraline, the header I have now fits perfectly in the preview and looks excellent. However, when I...
View Articleconstructionengineers on "Google Analytics"
How do I install google analytics on my wordpress.com blog?
View Articleconstructionengineers on "Google Analytics"
How do I install google analytics on my wordpress.com blog?
View Articlebookerenglish on "Pages tabs"
I am using the Andreas Viklund theme and I am having problems with the appearance of my pages tabs which are overlapping as I add more. This does not occur on my Mac, but does on PCs which is what we...
View Articletwakkie on "My Blog just won't work at all and I can't log in"
Hi guys, I updated the Word Press version of my company's blog this morning, the message then said the update was successful, but when I tried to go on the blog, I got this message: Fatal error: Cannot...
View Articlepaul0013 on "Add a theme"
hi all! i have a question : a meke a wordpress theme, i can to add in the wordpress.com theme directory..i can send theme to wordpress.com to be free for all :D? P.S. : i'm from romania, sorry for my...
View Articlejonny0303de on "Delete Account?"
Hi, can a Admin or Mod please delete my other account "jonny0303"? the other is unused account with a linked site that no longer exists already (touch-gamerz.de). I hope they can delete the account...
View Articleamericanislamiccongress on "side bar problems"
I'm having some problems with the sidebar of my blog (aicwomen.wordpress.com). On the home page of the blog, formatting has gone bonkers (first entry has comments/categories/poster on the side AND on...
View Articleedlee on "Press This - Save to Draft"
this has happened to me a few times now but the last time was by far the most frustrating. is there any way to have the press this functionality auto save your work as a draft post? i just spent a few...
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