pericvlvm on "Claiming my blog with Google Webmasters Tools"
Hi all, I'm trying to claim my blog with Google Webmasters Tools. It seems there are 3 different ways to do that. The first one is uploading a file into the root directory of the website. I'm afraid...
View Articleinfolution on "unable to post please help!!!!"
im not getting any help here, i am unable to post anything on my blog i just get a blank page. please help me!
View Articlejoannameng on "Where can I find a freelancer to design my custom CSS?"
Any ideas of sites, forums, groups, etc. where I can post the project? I want to find someone who knows a lot about WordPress. Thanks.
View Articlemichahhimmelman on "restoring mysql gives error in the backup script"
I backed up a script file and tried to relo(restore) it into mySQL database. I've done it a few times and it went smooth, as I am moving the blog to a new location on the server... Now, I'm getting an...
View Articlerebeccasremedy on " to"
Hello, I want my blog to transfer to How do I do that? I have already purchased my domain, installed WordPress, exported my old blog and...
View Articlemvwphoto on "No cutline? Moving. But.. cannot import. Ideas?"
Hi all, After this Cutline debacle, I am moving my blog. I set up a .org blog on 1and1, and am ready to start importing. ' So I exported the blog from here and I have a 5 MB .XML file. But whatever I...
View Articlenextmedia on "Import into wordpress"
Hello, i have a lot of articles saved on my computer. All of the articles are in Word Documents and some are in .text files. I was wondering is there is any possibility that i could import all of them...
View Articleglitteringsootonhereyelashes on "Security Questions"
Hi, My blog is anonymous and I'd like it to stay that way, but I think that one of the people I've been writing about (and who I don't want to read my posts) found this website by typing a line from...
View Articlecciforum on "Subscribe to comments without commenting?"
Can a person subsribe to see comments without actually making a comment?
View Articlerawsilkandsaffron on "why was my template changed?"
I openned my website two days ago to discover it was changed. I didn't do it myself and wanted to know how that was possible. Also I want the old template back with the sidebar as I had it before....
View Articlenhfinancials on "widget"
Hi, I'm trying to add a widget to my blog from: the html code is: <!-- Start Chart Widget --> <p width="100%" align="center">...
View Articleannkroeker on "Paypal for Domain Mapping"
I was adding a one-year subscription for domain mapping. Used PayPal, which uses a credit card, and no evidence of a transaction appears to have processed for WordPress or on PayPal. WordPress had a...
View Articleheroicrant on "New posts on Home Page"
Is it possible to set the homepage so that it only shows the first few paragrpahs of a new post, with a link at the bottom to read the full article? My posts are quite long and at the moment it seems I...
View Articletanyastafford on "Cannot find ProPhoto in Theme"
Hi All, I recently purchased WordPress and mapped it to my own domain, with GoDaddy as the host. I've installed WordPress on Go Daddy and purchased ProPhoto themes and installed that via ftp. Problem...
View Articlewetzelphoto on "I want a new look on my blog"
Hi, My existing blog needs a facelift. The bog is at It is a simple format that has served me well but I would like to upgrade it a bit but I have no clue how to do...
View Articlearoniadrinks on "HELP! Deleting blog with no login"
Greetings, Some co-workers and I created a blog to boost SEO presence for a site we worked for (call it The site contains content that we NEED taken down. Desperately. None of us...
View Articlearoniadrinks on "HELP! Deleting blog with no login"
Greetings, Some co-workers and I created a blog to boost SEO presence for a site we worked for (call it The site contains content that we NEED taken down. Desperately. None of us...
View Articlenewsdzezimbabwe on "Help with my blog page pls??"
I am new to this bloging thing with wordpress and I would like for each article to have a paragraph or two then a link that says "Read more," to read the rest of the article. If anyone can advice me on...
View Articleerinmariesmith on "how to get subscribers ..."
I have 100+ views daily but 0 comments and 0 subscribers. How to I get some of thoseee?? :-(
View Articleandrew on "Wither PressRow?"
The Cutline theme is gone, with sites that used it moved over to the new Coraline theme. Since some of the arguments against Cutline (and its designer) also apply against PressRow (also a Chris...
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