clockworknoise on "Modality Lite Theme Help"
Hi folks, Just changed my theme from Hemingway to Modality lite, and having a bit of a nightmare with a couple of things. The bg image won't seem to work with images I upload, and now I can't seem to...
View Articlemuckupmusic on "Custom size header"
My blog uses the new Coraline theme. There is a preset header size for this theme. Is there a way of altering the header size so that I can have smaller or larger images as headers?
View Articlethammelissa on "MISSING IMAGES ON BLOG!"
I've tried search the forums for similar problem but I couldn't find one that is similar to what I'm facing now. All the images I have previously uploaded went missing in my blog. None of my friends...
View Articleannieksmith on "How to Enable Plugins"
Hi. I made my first blog 2 days ago but from the beginning there is no "Plugins" Tab in my /wp-admin. i know that usually it is in the left under Appearance but I just don't have one. Can you help me...
View Articlelornakismet on "New theme OULIPO has no article introducing it"
I clicked to my Dashboard > Themes and noticed that there is ane theme called OULIPO....... yet there is no mention of it in the WordPress pages. There is the article on the new Coraline theme, but...
View Articlezfthrimej on "When Deadlines Become Zombies: Poems about the random"
check out my new blog, featuring poems about random stuff, at: thank you :)
View Articlelizclaudio on "Problem with the Tweet button on the Coraline theme"
I tried it, and the Tweet button appeared, but the comments section completely disappeared and my sidebar widgets moved to the bottom of the post. I deactivated it again until it's resolved. I'm using...
View Articlesmbotans on "play mp3 but restrict downloads"
hi, i am new to wordpress ... i have successfully set up the site but want to be able to do the following: i want to allow free visitors to play mp3 files embedded in the pages but only let paid...
View Articlecyfae on "Redirect issues"
Okay, I downloaded this theme here. Every other theme redirects my page to . This particular theme is not...
View Articleb2bfilm on "Film Production Perth Documentary Making, Film Making, Actor...
B2B Film Production House is a comprehensive video production facility providing a comprehensive service from conception to final product. This team is able to provide clients with an individual and...
View Articlewanbest on "Belatung si pengungkap Tabir Kematian"
Tubuh laki-laki itu terbujur kaku di kamarnya. Tidak seorangpun yang tahu apalagi menyaksikan kematiannya, sampai-sampai bau busuk dari sang mayat menyeruak keluar jendela dan pintu....
View Articlespecialfork on "Scheduled post, upload image, upload video not working"
I'm having a number of problems with my blog. The following features are not working anymore: - Schedule post - Upload image - Upload video - Add tags to blogs I've used all of these features for the...
View Articlewanbest on "Saat Iblis Bertamu Kepada Rasullullah SAW"
Iblis Terpaksa Bertamu Kepada Rasulullah SAW (dari Muadz bin Jabal dari Ibn Abbas) Ketika kami sedang bersama Rasulullah SAW di kediaman seorang sahabat Anshar, tiba-tiba terdengar panggilan seseorang...
View Articleprithvi111 on "Raja property-real estate"
PRITHVI111 We deal in all types of property - rent/sale/purchase/lease of Apartments, Flats, Villas, Houses, Land and Office Space. We deal in a wide variety of residential and commercial property at...
View Articlethianrouklian on "Pages Attributes"
Hi, I am having a problem with Add New page section. I cannot find the Page Attributes section. It is not there. I have another web blog under Word Press. It is available there. Any suggestion...
View Articlearaey on "Questions about Greyzed theme"
Hey all, i just switched from the Monochrome theme to Greyzed as it offered more of what im looking for. Just a few questions for those who may be familiar with this theme. 1.) Is there a way i can...
View Articlemestaton on "Frontpage appearance of posts"
Will be adding things like Tweets, Like and Ratings to the frontpage of a blog? You can see the full post which means that people don't always click through to get the other goodies that...
View Articleerinfarber on "Make 'parent page' a tab w/ 'Under the influence'"
Hi. I have created a blog with 'Under the Influence' theme. The only issue is that the parent page does not have its own tab; I need to click on the name of my blog to go back home to the parent page....
View Articletedzinho on "Custom Fields Filter"
Hi there, is any way i can create a side bar filter only showing the custom fields in a combobox and then filtering the post by that ? Something like this ... Price ( more than ) Price ( less than )...
View Articlepaperbats on "How to upload pictures"
Please my I have advise on how to upload onto my bog page some picture images which I have presently got in other documents, but which I want to add to my blog page. I have tried to cut and paste, but...
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