eamonfitzgerald on ".ie nameserver problem"
Hi, I know this is a known issue I need a .ie DNS zone in place so I can make nameserver changes to to my, the URL is mygrapeescape.ie. can you please help? Thanks, Eamon
View Articleeverlongisagoodsong on "Change font-family"
How do I change font of the "Home" and "About Me" area? What should I add to my CSS?
View Articlepaperbats on "Can the top banner [of the pewrson in a park!] be changed and...
Can the top banner [of the pewrson in a park!] be changed and personalised to a theme/picture of my choice? Thanks
View Articlemark on "Who uses #irc?"
If you do, great and if not this might help explain: http://www.mirc.com/
View Articletheo48 on "Do not cut the lower part of the summarized stats!"
Since the currently "brainstorming" support team promised to check the forum every once in a while, here's an idea to think about: "On wordpress I run the theopedia blog ( http://theo48.wordpress.com )...
View Articlevaso123 on "copletly change login page"
Hi! I am building a site, and i have a loginform at the sidebar. When a user log in, and the log in is failed, i want to show a Login Failed post, not the default wordpress login page. I do NOT want to...
View Articlepasjazdrowia on "rok korzystania"
witam , mam takie pytanie i bardzo prosze o szybka odpowiesdz. Juz rok korzystam w bloga , czy po roku czasu sa jakies oplaty? Czy zlamalam regulamin jezeli od roku na swoim blogu wklejam zdjecia...
View Articlebluemoondame on "Domain Mapping & Type Kit"
Hi, I recently paid the 10 bucks to add the mapping to my domain name. However, after I did this none of my fonts from typekit transfered over. I'm stuck.... Any help would be appreciated
View Articlessnabbtt on "New Dashboard header bar"
I don't love the new toolbar for the dashboard at the top of my blog. Is there any way to go back to the old one?
View Articleirbs on "changing blog web address"
Looking to change my blog title from http://foundrytraining.wordpress.com to http://deepsouthbarbell.wordpress.com Is there anyway to do this for free without having to pay for a domain name? Thanks
View Articleraftakayaks on "Getshopped help"
Is there any getshopped support or help forum, I cant find any in searching, nothing happens on the help button, one would think there would be some sort of tutorial on how to set things up, but it...
View Articlebridgingcenturies on "How much time between post and RSS feed"
Another newbie question - I created a scheduled post for Thursday of this week (yesterday). The post is on the Web site, but the RSS feed on my browser does not show an update/ How much time should...
View Articlebvacademy on "The Plug-In Tab Is No There"
I downloaded the plugin and extracted it but now I don't know what to do. Please help me!
View Articlereemski on "Widget failure"
Just doing some stuff on my friends site, when I noticed firstly that the widgets had dropped off. When I went in to try to add them back in the widget page just doesn't respond. The mouse hovers and...
View Articlewilloconnell on "Want to embed my Blog to my website"
Hi there, I am just wondering if it is possible to embed my wordpress blog in my website. I want to set up a blog page on my site. Please let me know if anyone can help me in this matter. Will
View Articleseantracey on ""Header Image" Help, Please and Thankyou!"
Hello all, In our blog we are trying to eliminate the "header image." We don't want an image there, and if we get rid of a picture the words "Header Image" or a ? appear in its place. Is there anyway...
View Articleandiwatts on "Tweet Button Not Showing Up"
I realize my blog is brand new, so give me some time I'm working on it. BUT! Why isn't my new Tweet Button showing up on my page? Is it the theme I'm using? I went into extra's and selected the Tweet...
View Articledeebieg on "How to find a private blog that I have been invited to"
How can you find a blog which you have been invited to subscribe to? The blog name is 4gaddiskids@wordpress.com I cannot find a place to find the blog. I registered and am a member using the email to...
View Articleashbar on "Connect to Twitter error"
When I attempt to enable publicizing to my Twitter account & I click the link "Authorize connection with Twitter" I get this error: "This page is no longer valid. It looks like someone already used...
View Articlegialloisabella on "Theme suggestion: Hope"
Hello everybody! I'd like to suggest this theme to be added on wordpress.com: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/hope Have a nice day!
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