neglectthis on "Domain Name"
Hey, I added a domain name to my blog and made that the primary address. (sorry if I am not using the right words, I am not very tech smart!). I paid via paypal, changed the primary address from...
View Articlesjlongo on "My new blog about online marketing advice for business"
Hi Everyone, I'm new to blogging, but wanted to share my new blog 'Click with Customers' in hopes for any tips and advice as I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks,
View Articletopsfieldtouchstone on "Unfamiliar links"
My dashboard is showing that two visitors clicked links to a blog I've never seen before. I looked over my posts. Don't see it. I don't take comments on my blog (it's about a small town and I can't...
View Articleh2omolecule on "Adding WordPress to Windows Live"
I am trying to connect my Windows Live account to my wordpress account and I can't seem to get them to get together. I have tried several times and keep getting the same error message: <i>We're...
View Articleenochered on "How do the public upload artwork?"
How, public, upload, Artwork, to my site.
View Articlegycax on "My navigation bar is blank"
I'm trying to create a website, and I'm not sure what's happened but my navigation bar is completely blank. I've tried linking pages and categories to it, but nothing seems to be working. Here's the...
View Articlelaslice on "The Source by Elegant Themes"
I'm using The Source theme by elegant themes and I'm having a lot of trouble adding pictures to the main slider and editing them so they can fit within the box and also scroll like a slideshow. Does...
View Articlethedonjon on "Import content from squarespace to wordpress"
Before I knew what I was doing, I started a photoblog at squarespace. I much prefer using the tools here at wordpress for my other 2 blogs. Squarespace doesn't appear in the list of blogsites that can...
View Articlerealestatesigns on "What is reality?"
I wrote this blog, and I would love for everyone to review it and leave your remarks. Your dearest, Eleanor Roosevelt
View Articleswitch11 on "my blog showing up as private in search engines"
Suddenly my stats have dropped a lot and it seems that for some point of time the Blog was showing up as private. Don't know what happened and whether anyone else saw this error. So in search results...
View Articlekamel74 on "probleme de payment avec ma carte banquaire"
bonjour, voila mon problème est le suivant je n'arrive toujours pas a acheter un "css"personalisées" sur wordpress. avec ma carte banquaire ca me marque adresse de facturation pas valide.alors que ma...
View Articlenwmoney on "Adding a New User"
Havenot been able to add an new user my profile. I want to add an editor but every time it is telling me that user not recognized. What am I doing wrong? How do I enable XML-RPC?
View Articleberleymc on "why tweet and like only on individual page"
Why are the like and tweet buttons only on the individual post page? If someone comments on one of my posts, once they click on comment it takes them straight to the comment box. if they don't scroll...
View Articlebetsiedriscoll on "Koi theme CSS background texture"
I'm thinking of editing the Koi theme, however, I am not sure if I am allowed to alter the textured background of the theme. I can't seem to find it within the CSS, all I find are the three images...
View Articlelori0717 on "background color?"
I am trying to change the color and it keeps telling me that it is done, but, it is still just white. Also, is there a way to add a picture to the body of my blog?
View Articleletsjapan on "Photo Upload Broken"
My site/blog: I've been trying (and trying) to put up a new Home Page post. The photo upload is broken. I click on the icon, up pops the "Upload" thing, I hit...
View Articlecowpattie on "My Blog Quit Working...... Again"
My posting controls have disappeared from my Add New Post window. I am using Misty Look template. Cannot post pictures, either.
View Articlejim878 on "Misleading preview when entering comments"
When entering a comment to a blog, a preview of how the comment will look is displayed on the web page. The comment being entered needed a table to make the comment more understandable. The html table...
View Articlejesselava on "Want my favicon to appear on masked domain. How?"
Hey, I uploaded a favicon to my WordPress site, and it works fine, except for one crucial thing. I am forwarding from another domain name, with masking. Trouble is, my favicon does not appear when the...
View Articleorino on "Love the Tweet button, how 'bout a couple more?"
First, thanks for the 'Tweet' button. For your next act, how 'bout a 'Facebook' button? And while you're at it, a 'Delicious' button. I want my readers to be able to send/save posts to these three...
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