rpsingh2k on "Adding text after Table"
I copied a table from our word file and now I want to continue to add regular text after the table. WordPress doesn't seem to let me do that. Please help - Is there a way to do that without writing HTML?
View Articlemags2003 on "Back dating entries"
I have a few posts that I would like to making but I would like to date them in the past (late July/early August 2010). How do I do this?
View Articleall4mygod on "Sending Invites"
I am having trouble inviting people. I have read the how to but when I go to send the invite a prompt keeps coming up: "complete form" all fields were filled out. what am I missing?
View Articledavidcline on "I didnt activate Coraline, now my widgets are all gone?"
I just checked my blog, and noticed that all of my sidebar widgets are gone! It's on the default currently. Did my widgets get lost? And what happened to my theme? What is Coraline and why did it...
View Articlecowpattie on "HELP!!!!!!!"
My posting controls have disappeared from my Add New Post window. I am using Misty Look template. Cannot post pictures, either. This happened before..... about two months ago.
View Articleb3kah on "Confused on audio shortcode..."
I understand HOW to do the audio shortcode, I just don't understand where to get the URL that you insert into the shortcode. Like, as a random example, let's say I want to use to shortcode to get a...
View Articlegreenbrightly on "Media upload not working"
I'm trying to upload media into my library and I just get the blue icon with the ?. www.specialshade.com Wordpress is recently updated to version 3.01 It seems to try to upload the images to...
View Articlecarl3d on "A blog about art, my art projects."
http://picturemaker2.worpress.com I could do with some visitors. Just getting back into art after a break of ten years. Doing it to keep my sanity. Its not about being good at it its about enjoying it...
View Articlewavemediaonline on "Links to private pages"
Hi, I want to know if there is a way to have a 'hidden' page that can only be accessed by a private link? I.e if we wnat to include a page but not make it public to everyone viewing our website is this...
View Articlebodyrockin on "Blog Roll missing?"
Just noticed the Blog Roll of my blog is now missing, when I check that in the Links area I see they links to them are still there but for some reason they are not showing on my Blog any more..I have...
View Articlehollisinteriors on "Twenty Ten post, replicating sample"
In the Twenty Ten sample, there is an entry with a blue color background. The next post is the default background. I am trying to replicate this but cannot figure out how. Can you help with this? Does...
View Articlemissouri2725 on "Can't access new blog"
I registered a blog. Now I can't access it after logging in. I want to import a blog from Blogspot, but can't find the "Tools' link to do so. Wordpress is FUBAR. is there a way to erase all my acocunts...
View Articlejoshuazepeda on "FONT d r i f t . . . ."
does anybody have any idea why the fonts in my posts seem to be different each time i post? (spacing is also varying) any idea how to choose a font style/size?? i've never made any intentional choices...
View Articleshesthinking on "Wordpress.com tutorial site?"
Is there a site anyone knows of that gives tips, tricks and tutorials for wordpress.com users? I am at a stand still with my blog because I don't really know what all of my options are. I'd like some...
View Articlekeepitclassic on "Affiliate llinks on wordpress ???"
I tried to include some linkshare links on my blog but when I publish them, they do not show up. Is there an extra fee to post ad links on the site? How does that work?
View Articlemurieljordan on "Image Positioning within Entries..."
This is more complicated for me to figure out on my own... As you can see on my blog, the images are too wide, and frankly, I want to go wider. Is it possible to move the images in my entry to the...
View Articlemichellemazur on "AddThis widget"
Hello, I am trying to add the AddThis widget to my newly created (read highly-inexperienced, knows no code). The problem I am encountering is that the directions:...
View Articlekatehawkes on "my gravitar wont show when I post a coment"
I left a comment on a word press blog and the gravitar didnt show. just my name and one of those square images. and a link to my website.
View Articleprobnotsol on "Add support for PowerPoint SlideShows (*.pps, .ppsx)"
I note that the upload system already allows *.ppt and *.pptx. .pps is an extension that forces powerpoint to play the slideshow immediately, rather than going into the editing mode of PowerPoint. It...
View Articleinateyou on "Typing Box Keeps Lengthening"
The box that I'm typing in keeps lengthening, and it's gotten so long that I can no longer see the scroll bar, some of what I've typed, and it's making it impossible to keep writing. What is going on...
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