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codybarrick on "Images and icons- Coraline."

Hey all, I need a little bit of help. If you go to my blog you can see a Facebook icon and a twitter Icon. How do get them beside each other, and not like they are currently? I have already linked them...

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albertocontadornotebook on "Help changing blog to private status"

To change my blog to the private setting, after going to Settings/Privacy, clicking to indicate that I'd the blog to be private and listing users, what is the next step to enable users to access the...

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puddydunne on "posting YouTube URL'S in comments"

When I and members are posting YouTube URL's into comments they are not visible and just remain as a hyperlink. We used to use the embed code for posts but see that we can use the SHARE URL for the...

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hiphopcafe on "Do we have alimit of Videos on a free account?"

Hi! I recently changed theme and for some reason, I'm unable to put any videos on it fromYoutube, and when I try my old theme. When we use the free WordPress (not the premium), do we have a limit of...

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alyssakimberley on "Use domain purchased on first blog for new second blog"

I got my first blog and bought example.com. Now I have a second blog and I would like to use the custom domain name from "blog 1" for "blog 2". I went to My Account > Domains and changed "blog 1"...

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codybarrick on "Yet Another Metal Blog"

As you may have guessed, I run a metal blog. I do everything from news updates, random videos, reviews(professional and humour), and hopefully interviews at some point. I'd love it if you came by to...

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magpie9901 on "Youtube Embed not working"

Hi Im having trouble embedding video from youtube, i regularly do this on my blog and all of a sudden the videos arent showing up in the posts theres a space where the video should be but nothing...

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georgiaporgia on "Upgrade Purchased but not recieved"

I bought the VideoPress upgrade, but the space in my account remained the same, and I still could not upload mp3 or video files. So I canceled the upgrade but would to buy some extra space. Don't leave...

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jericho291 on "After you buy domain..."

Hi. If i buy a domain example.com, i will be able to install themes without using ftp?

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jennyfs on "Need similar wide theme, but w/ vivid COMMENT BUTTON"

No body sees the comment button when they read my blog. http://lifecoachjenny.wordpress.com/ This is the perfect theme ("Twenty ten?") for my blog, but the gray comment button is basically...

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shesthinking on "Static Page"

I think I may want to have a static front page. Before I devote too much time constructing it, I had a question. If I have a static front page, will my sidebars still show up there as well? Basically,...

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sqlfourm on "New Post is not Visible to the Users"

Hi , I have created a New blog and Changed the New Theme and add the New Posts , but none of the users/frindes able to see the new post. it is having only the Old Post. Kindly help me to resolve them....

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sleepysunshine on "How to attach email to a blog without showing its address"

give me wheels and watch me go ...

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ezstu7 on "cr9 to cr7?"

Cristiano Ronaldo yang sering disapa cr9 atau yang bernama lengkap Cristiano Ronaldo dos santos Alveiro telah kembali memakai nomor punggung 7. Ia menjadi pewaris sang bintang Raul Gonzales yang kini...

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chantingbudha on "Want Two Menu Columns Theme"

Hello Everyone, I want to know, if there is any two menus simultaneously showing theme available for WordPress users. I use currently Twenty Ten and will like WP to add feature of letting users to have...

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nikandthetrip on "Image on the sidebar"

I'm trying to upload an image on my sidebar. I uploaded it first on the library and I was trying to copy the URL and past it on the image box (appaerence-widget-image) as the video explains. It won't...

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ilikegrapenuts on "Wordpress can't allow your post to look the way you want?"

Why does my post shift around from the writing window to the post? Lines get jumbled together, you can't turn italics on and off-- Why can't one simply create words on wordpress in the order and on the...

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billymoses on "Youtube Embed"

When I post a youtube video to an article it is automatically being aligned center on my site. Is there something I can put to make it align left? Additional info: I have purchased custom CSS.

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happyasamonkey on "Two notification of comments"

Hi, When someone comments on one of my posts, I get an email notification with the subject line 'Please moderate...' etc. When I approve the comment, I then get another notification telling me that...

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heatsschoolofweldingtechnology on "Deactivated Blog"

My blog was deactivated by wordpress (i dont know my mistake), Im using this blog for the marketing of my school, can my blog be activated again? What shall I do? I contacted wordpress but i am still...

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