quasimodem on "Losing edits when I hit "update""
I'm having a peculiar problem, and I fear that a database may be corrupted. Please, no. I'm trying to update a post and change its date, but when I hit update all of the changes revert back to the...
View Articlerejistania on "Blogstatistics don't load"
I tried to look at the blogstatistics, but the page it shows is completely empty. Not even any source code is loaded. This issues occurs since the 'rollover' today. Please help.
View Articlezefdesign on "PHP - random div names?"
I have a piece of php I'm using on wordpress blog posts. It is a simple fade in/ fade out, but it works by knowing the div's exact class. <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function(){...
View Articledrmathochist on "Did the spam filter shut down"
After months without a spam comment getting through, all five spam comments that have arrived since midnight have been approved, and I've had to mark them as spam by hand. Did Akismet blow a gasket?
View Articleiowamrs70 on "What's in your Closet?? from this IT Beginner"
"So, it wasn’t a total surprise when the unearthing of her closet brought forth skein upon skein of lively colored yarns impulsively bought and whimsically set aside for a rainy day or a new project."...
View Articleummughozy2 on "share this article to wordpress"
How to share an article in other website (example : Site A) to wordpress (example Site B) ? In Site A, I only submit my user,password, and my wordpress site. When I submitted, I get the article on my...
View Articlecalibre44 on "visitors from ???"
A new and inspiring look at the tuth is now here, a bold look at humanities ignorance of past present and future.
View Articlejnr8 on "I'm a new blogger... Please help!"
http://jnr8.wordpress.com/ Hey everyone! The link above is my blog. How can I help promote this? How can I get more readers etc? If some of you (more experienced bloggers) can give me some advice, I'd...
View Articlelilmaouz on "disable subsciptions for a while"
Hello, This is a question from the french forum I can't answer to, could you help me, please? This is the tread: "Is there a way to disable subscriptions for a while, so that a user could insert new...
View Articlesiroyto on "Newbie here"
Check out my blog please :) its new and hope fully with comments from everyone i can get some help here :) thanks again!!
View Articlestusview on "I am looking for more readers"
I am writing plenty (am fairly new to this) and some of it is def. worth checking out - please... ha ha
View Articlescotttraveler on "Photo not uploading"
While I was searching the forums, I came across this topic: "Photos not uploading" http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/photos-not-inserting-in-post?replies=43#post-305349 I had some of the same...
View Articlescotttraveler on "How to open photo directly without photo page?"
It used to be that when you clicked on a photo on my blog, it would take you to a screen with the photo only. In my latest posts, it takes you to a screen that has my blog theme and the photo all by...
View Articlesuperjanne on "Change fontcolor in sidebar K2"
Hello again! it seems not possible to change it to grey?! i`v have reading and serach forverer now. plis help me Love from Norway.
View Articlecantueso on "Blogspot rejects WordPress address in comment"
There are quite a few Google blogs where I cannot sign a comment with my WordPress address. This is what happens: -- I write a comment. -- I choose a profile: WordPress -- I put in my WordPress...
View Articlesomethingsthat on "Weird email message from WordPress??"
I've had an email, supposedly from comment-reply@wordpress.com, only I don't think it is. It looked like any other comment email, only the comment hasn't actually been sent to me for approval (and all...
View Articleinfojasa82 on "Info Ibadah Haji dan Umroh Ke Tanah Suci Mekkah"
Ingin Segera Mewujudkan Impian Anda ke Tanah Suci ? Plus KOMISI JUTAAN Rupiah mengalir ke rekening Anda setiap minggunya, MAU ? Cukup Dengan DP 3.5 Juta Anda Telah Terdaftar Menjadi Calon Jamaah...
View Articlememoirofsonia on "RiikaInfinityy's First Semi Graphical Novel Preview Released!"
Greetings everyone, this is RiikaInfinityy and from the past few months I have been working on this series of semi-graphical novel entitled "Tributes of Sonia. And I am pleased to annouced that the...
View Articlehartman on "How Do I Post to a Page?"
I have four pages on my new blog. How do I publish to an individual page? Every post I have made has defaulted to the 'home' page. It's driving me nuts. Have I missed something? Any help would be...
View Articleniphbatch3 on "how to show off all document in my homepage?"
how to show off all document in my homepage?
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